Piling example sentences

Related (19): foundation, construction, support, piles, structure, steel, concrete, marine, engineering, driven, bore, helical, sheet, retaining, walls, embankment, wharf, dock, pier.

"Piling" Example Sentences

1. The lumber was piling up in the storage yard.
2. The leaves were piling up on the lawn, waiting to be raked.
3. Workers were piling sandbags to reinforce the dike.
4. Bricks were piling up as the chimney was built.
5. Snow was quickly piling up and the roads were becoming impassable.
6. The dirty dishes were piling up in the sink.
7. Her unread emails were piling up in her inbox.
8. The paperwork was piling up on her desk.
9. The blame was quickly piling up on the junior employee.
10. The car parts were piling up on the garage floor, waiting to be installed.
11. All the unopened mail was piling up on the entryway table.
12. The boxes of donations were piling up in front of the charity.
13. The trash was quickly piling up outside since the collection was delayed.
14. The complaints were piling up from unhappy customers.
15. The complaints were piling up from residents about the noise from the construction site.
16. Stress was piling up from managing the busy work schedule and caring for her children.
17. The pressure was piling up from the looming work deadline.
18. Laundry was piling up in the hamper.
19. I felt like the work was just piling up with no end in sight.
20. The applications were piling up as the deadline approached.
21. The problems seemed to be piling up with no solutions in sight.
22. Tasks were piling up faster than she could complete them.
23. Tension was quickly piling up between the feuding neighbors.
24. Dirt was piling up under the neglected furniture.
25. The boxes were piling up in the corner, waiting to be unpacked.
26. Responsibilities were piling up while the support was dwindling.
27. The column of numbers was piling higher and higher.
28. Bricks were quickly piling up to form the foundation of the new building.
29.Cement was piling up in the mixer as the work crew poured the new sidewalk.
30. The dishes in the sink were piling up to the point of being disgusting.
31. The bills were piling up as the paychecks were shrinking.
32. Pancakes were piling up on people's plates at the diner.
33. Requests were piling up from clients ahead of the deadline.
34. Arguments were quickly piling up between the feuding coworkers.
35. Newspapers were piling up on the front porch, waiting to be recycled.
36. The displays of shoes were piling up in the corners of the store.
37. Receipts were piling up in the drawer, waiting to be itemized for taxes.
38. Scoops of ice cream were piling up on top of the chocolate syrup.
39. The firewood was piling up in preparation for the cold winter ahead.
40. Gifts were piling up under the Christmas tree.
41. Towels were piling up in the laundry basket.
42. Calls were piling up while I was out of the office.
43. Dirty clothes were quickly piling up on the bedroom floor.
44. The junk mail was piling up in the inbox, unread.
45. Excuses were piling up to avoid doing the difficult task.
46. Toys were piling up in the corner of the playroom.
47. Expenses were piling up faster than income.
48. Presents were piling up under the festively decorated tree.
49. The messy hair was piling up on top of her head.
50. Knitting projects were piling up on the side table, waiting to be completed.
51. Decisions were piling up, waiting for her when she returned from vacation.
52. The rocks were piling up next to the river, discarded by passersby.
53. Dust bunnies were piling up under the furniture as spring cleaning was neglected.
54. Past-due notices were piling up in the mailbox.
55. Potatoes were piling up in the bowl after being peeled.
56. Microwavable meals were piling up in the freezer after a long workweek.
57. The backpack was piling high with schoolbooks and supplies.
58. Furniture was piling up in the corners and hallways of the messy house.
59. Pet hair was piling up in the corners of the room.
60. Problems were piling up faster than she could find solutions.

Common Phases

piling up - stacking up and accumulating in an uncontrolled way:
The paperwork has been piling up on my desk all week.
pile up - to accumulate in an uncontrolled or unwanted way:
The dirty dishes are piling up in the sink.
piled high - stacked in a tall mound:
Boxes of groceries were piled high on the conveyor belt.
the pressure is piling up - used to refer to a buildup of demands, pressures or stresses, often making one feel overwhelmed:
I'm under a lot of stress, the deadlines are piling up and the pressure is mounting.
pile in/on - to crowd into a place:
The kids piled into the back of the mini-van.
pile out - to exit from a crowded place or vehicle:
The concert attendees piled out of the stadium after the show ended.
pile against/on - to lean or press against something:
The snow had piled against the front door.
pile(d) up - accumulated in great numbers:
Complaints piled up from unhappy customers.
Hope this helps explain some common phrases with 'piling'! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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