Pinnae example sentences

Related (6): Ferns, fronds, leaves, foliage, botany, morphology.

"Pinnae" Example Sentences

1. The fern's pinnae were densely arranged and gave it a feathery appearance.
2. The botanical garden showcased a wide variety of plant species with various shapes of pinnae.
3. The fronds of the palm tree had drooping pinnae that provided shade to the ground below.
4. The pinnae of the leaf were intricately detailed and resembled the branches of a tree.
5. The coniferous tree's pinnae were needle-like and helped to reduce water loss.
6. The gymnosperm's pinnae had a waxy coating that protected against pests and infections.
7. The fern's pinnae were delicate and required a moist environment to thrive.
8. The pinecone's scales were formed from the modified pinnae of its needles.
9. The pteridophyte's pinnae were arranged in a linear pattern along the stem.
10. The cycad's pinnae were stiff and arranged in a spiral pattern around the stem.
11. The frond's pinnae had a glossy surface that reflected sunlight and helped with photosynthesis.
12. The ginkgo's pinnae were fan-shaped and distinctive from other tree species.
13. The feather-like pinnae of the horsetail plant were used for centuries to make natural scrubbing brushes.
14. The maidenhair fern's pinnae were delicate and needed protection from wind and harsh weather conditions.
15. The retrophyll's pinnae were arranged in a whorl around the stem, giving it a unique appearance.
16. The cypress's pinnae had distinctive white markings that helped with camouflaging from predators.
17. The fern's pinnae emerged from the stem in a symmetrical pattern, providing a balanced look.
18. The pinnae of the plant were dissected and provided a glimpse into its evolutionary history.
19. The staghorn fern's pinnae resembled the antlers of a deer, earning it its name.
20. The monkey puzzle tree's pinnae were resistant to fire and helped it survive forest fires.
21. The cycad's pinnae were covered in thorns that protected it from herbivores and pests.
22. The tree's pinnae were shed during the winter months to conserve energy.
23. The fern's pinnae were used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.
24. The eucalyptus's pinnae were aromatic and were used in essential oils and perfumes.
25. The bracken fern's pinnae were toxic to livestock and could cause sickness or death.
26. The maidenhair fern's pinnae had a reddish-brown color that turned yellow during the autumn season.
27. The dragon tree's pinnae were leathery and tough, making it resistant to drought conditions.
28. The horsetail plant's pinnae had a high silica content that made it useful in abrasive and polishing industries.
29. The oak tree's pinnae were deeply lobed, providing a distinctive shape to its leaves.
30. The palm tree's pinnae were used in constructing roofs, baskets, and other household items by indigenous communities.

Common Phases

1. The plant's pinnae were finely divided;
2. The fern's pinnae were arranged in a symmetrical pattern;
3. The pinnae of the tree were broad and flat;
4. The pinnae on the underside of the leaf were lighter in color;
5. The pinnae of the frond were covered in tiny hairs.

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