Piteous example sentences

Related (11): piteous, pitiful, pathetic, lamentable, distressing, heartbreaking, mournful, woeful, doleful, sorrowful, wretched.

"Piteous" Example Sentences

1. She cast a piteous glance my way, appealing for help.
2. His piteous cries could be heard for miles.
3. With piteous whimpers, the lost puppy made its way down the street.
4. The beggar woman gave me a piteous look as I passed by.
5. Her piteous wails echoed down the hall.
6. He pointed to his empty bowl and gave me a piteous stare.
7. The small child uttered a piteous plea for his mother.
8. She uttered a piteous sob as the police officer handed her the news.
9. His piteous whine summoned me to the kitchen.
10. With a piteous meow, the stray cat begged for some food.
11. The soaked kitten gave us a piteous mew as we found him in the storm drain.
12. The wounded animal emitted a piteous cry of pain.
13. His piteous apologies fell on deaf ears.
14. With piteous moans, he begged for mercy.
15. Her piteous cries still haunted his dreams years later.
16. The piteous wailing of the abandoned baby pierced the silence of the night.
17. Her eyes filled with piteous tears as she recalled the tragic event.
18. The starving, mangy creature uttered a piteous bark.
19. He spoke with a piteous whine, pleading for a second chance.
20. She gave a piteous sob as she fell to her knees.
21. He made a piteous plea for forgiveness but to no avail.
22. The rain-drenched puppy gazed at us with piteous brown eyes.
23. Their piteous whimpers tore at my heartstrings.
24. Her starving children uttered piteous cries for food.
25. He made one last piteous attempt to sway my decision.
26. At her piteous cry, I rushed to comfort her.
27. She uttered a piteous moan as the needle pierced her skin.
28. Their piteous state garnered much sympathy.
29. His eyes filled with piteous tears as he recounted the tale.
30. The piteous whimpers of the injured animal called forth our aid.
31. The castaway uttered a final piteous plea for rescue before falling silent.
32. The starving child gazed up at me with piteous eyes.
33. With piteous whines, the stray dog begged for scraps.
34. She uttered one last piteous wail before falling silent.
35. The beggar uttered a piteous plea as I hurried past.
36. His piteous sobs filled the dark room.
37. The poor creature uttered a piteous cry of hunger.
38. Her starving, piteous cries awoke us in the night.
39. I turned a deaf ear to his piteous excuses.
40. Those piteous cries still haunt my dreams.
41. With piteous meows, the stray cats begged for food.
42. The piteous cries of the lost child tore at our hearts.
43. His piteous plea fell upon uncompassionate ears.
44. Her piteous stare tugged at my heartstrings.
45. The pitiful man uttered a final piteous plea before passing away.
46. The prisoner uttered a piteous plea for mercy from his jailers.
47. Though piteous, his excuses fell upon deaf ears.
48. His piteous moan summoned me to his bedside.
49. The beggar woman uttered a final piteous plea before collapsing in exhaustion.
50. With piteous whimpers, the lost puppy made its way down the street.
51. She uttered one final piteous sob before falling silent.
52. Those piteous moans still haunted my dreams years later.
53. The piteous state of the starving children tugged at our heartstrings.
54. Her piteous wail tore at my heart.
55. His piteous apologies moved no one.
56. The frightened kitten uttered a piteous mew.
57. The woman's piteous sobs filled the small room.
58. The little girl cast a piteous glance my way, pleading for help.
59. His piteous whimpers called forth our aid.
60. The injured puppy gazed at me with piteous eyes.

Common Phases

1. cast a piteous glance
2. uttered piteous cries
3. make a piteous plea
4. emit a piteous moan
5. give a piteous stare
6. utter piteous sobs
7. utter piteous apologies
8. shed piteous tears
9. fall on deaf ears
10. whimper piteously
11. meow piteously
12. bark piteously
13. cry piteously
14. state was piteous
15. gaze with piteous eyes

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