Plenitude example sentences

Related (13): abundance, profusion, plethora, surplus, copiousness, fullness, saturation, glut, excess, overflow, superfluity, surplusage, extravagance

"Plenitude" Example Sentences

1. The garden was abundant with a plenitude of colorful flowers.
2. The wealthy businessman had a plenitude of expensive cars.
3. The restaurant boasted a plenitude of gourmet dishes and fine wines.
4. The library had a plenitude of books on various subjects.
5. The art museum had a plenitude of beautiful paintings and sculptures.
6. The beach was adorned with a plenitude of seashells.
7. The forest was full of a plenitude of different types of trees.
8. The city had a plenitude of cultural events and festivals.
9. The musician had a plenitude of musical instruments to choose from.
10. The office had a plenitude of electronic devices and gadgets.
11. The park had a plenitude of recreational activities for all ages.
12. The zoo had a plenitude of diverse animal species from around the world.
13. The dessert had a plenitude of sweet and savory flavors.
14. The market had a plenitude of fresh fruits and vegetables.
15. The night sky was filled with a plenitude of stars and constellations.
16. The ocean was home to a plenitude of marine life.
17. The concert had a plenitude of talented musicians and singers.
18. The sport event brought together a plenitude of athletes from different countries.
19. The science lab had a plenitude of advanced equipment and technology.
20. The fashion show featured a plenitude of luxurious clothing and accessories.
21. The travel destination had a plenitude of historic landmarks and cultural sites.
22. The wedding reception had a plenitude of delicious food and drinks.
23. The cruise ship had a plenitude of onboard activities and entertainment.
24. The ski resort had a plenitude of slopes and trails for all skill levels.
25. The spa had a plenitude of indulgent treatments and massages.
26. The video game had a plenitude of challenging levels and obstacles.
27. The apartment had a plenitude of natural light and beautiful views.
28. The theater production had a plenitude of talented actors and actresses.
29. The holiday destination had a plenitude of sunshine and warm weather.
30. The job offer came with a plenitude of benefits and perks.

Common Phases

1. The plenitude of joy overwhelmed her; she couldn't stop smiling.
2. The plenitude of resources available made the project much easier; they had everything they needed.
3. The plenitude of opportunities presented to her was exciting; she couldn't wait to get started.
4. The plenitude of food options at the buffet was overwhelming; she didn't know where to begin.
5. The plenitude of love in their relationship was evident; they were inseparable.
6. The plenitude of talent in the school's music program was impressive; they put on a fantastic performance.
7. The plenitude of options for vacation destinations was daunting; they had trouble making a decision.
8. The plenitude of information available in the library was incredible; she spent all day reading.

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