Plink example sentences

Related (5): metallic, clink, jingle, chink, tinkle

"Plink" Example Sentences

1. I heard the plink of raindrops on the roof.
2. She loves to plink away on her guitar.
3. A plink in the water signaled that a fish had bitten.
4. I hit the metal pipe with a wrench and heard a plink sound.
5. The wind chime made a lovely plink noise in the breeze.
6. I accidentally dropped my ring in the sink and heard a plink as it hit the metal.
7. The ice cubes made a plink sound as they fell into the glass.
8. They spent the afternoon plinking at targets with their BB guns.
9. The musician created a plinking melody on the xylophone.
10. A plink in the dark startled her, and she cautiously reached for the light switch.
11. The faucet made a sharp plink sound when I turned it off.
12. I tapped the wineglass and it made a faint plink sound.
13. The little girl was delighted by the plink of coins dropping into her piggy bank.
14. The audience could hear the plink of rain hitting the metal roof during the outdoor concert.
15. The old piano had a distinctive plinking sound that added to its charm.
16. I heard a sudden plink noise, and then realized my earring had fallen off.
17. The bird chirped a plinking tune as it perched on the branch.
18. They spent the day plinking at each other with water guns and laughing.
19. I tapped my fingernail on the glass and heard a satisfying plink sound.
20. The coins in his pocket jingled and made a plinking sound with each step.
21. The cat swiped at the tassel on the ornament and made it plink against the tree branches.
22. The raindrops on the metal roof plinked rhythmically, lulling me to sleep.
23. The sound of a single plink alerted me to the fact that the dishwasher had finished its cycle.
24. The yellow tennis ball made a plink noise as it hit the racket and bounced back over the net.
25. The water droplets plinked into the basin as she washed her hands.
26. The chandelier made a beautiful plinking sound as it swayed gently in the breeze from the open window.
27. My daughter plinked out "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on the piano and beamed with pride when she finished.
28. The nails plinked against the hardwood floor as the carpenter worked on finishing the trim.
29. The wind whistled and the branches plinked against the window pane, creating an eerie ambiance.
30. I set the glass down on the coaster and heard the faint plink as it settled into place.

Common Phases

1. "Plink, plink, plink, plink, plink"
2. "Plink away until it sounds just right"
3. "Plink on your guitar and let the music flow"
4. "With every plink, the melody starts to form"
5. "The sweetest sound in the world is the plink of a well-tuned piano"
6. "One plink at a time, we'll create a symphony"
7. "Sometimes all it takes is a simple plink to express the deepest emotions"
8. "The beauty of plinking is in the imperfection, embrace it"
9. "Plinking is the foundation of creating a beautiful melody"
10. "Plinking may seem simple, but it takes practice to master."

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