Poetasters example sentences

Related (4): scribblers, bards, versifiers, rhymesters

"Poetasters" Example Sentences

1. The literature crowd was not impressed with the poetasters' work.
2. The so-called poetasters could learn a lot from the masters.
3. The poets of old would scoff at the poetasters of today.
4. The world doesn't need more poetasters, but true visionaries.
5. The critics were merciless to the poetasters.
6. The poetasters thought their poetry was genius, but it fell flat.
7. The poetasters' rhymes were amateurish at best.
8. The poetasters couldn't hold a candle to Wordsworth or Keats.
9. The poetry contest was full of poetasters, but only one true winner.
10. The audience groaned at the poetasters' attempts at humor.
11. The poetasters were quickly forgotten after the contest was over.
12. The literary community was tired of the same old poetasters.
13. The poetasters' work was seen as a mockery of true poetry.
14. The poetasters' work lacked the emotional depth of true poetry.
15. The audience couldn't believe the poetasters were considered poets at all.
16. The poetasters' work was seen as a weak imitation of true art.
17. The poetasters couldn't even come close to the greatness of Shakespeare.
18. The literary canon had no place for the poetasters' mediocre work.
19. The poetasters thought they were revolutionaries, but really they were just copying others.
20. The end of the contest couldn't come soon enough for the audience tired of poetasters.
21. The poetasters' poetry was nothing more than a jumble of cliches.
22. The poetasters' work lacked the finesse and craftsmanship of true poetry.
23. The poetasters were an embarrassment to the literary world.
24. The poetasters thought they were being avant-garde, but really they were just bad.
25. The audience wished they could fast-forward through the poetasters' performances.
26. The literary journals were filled with the work of poetasters no one cared about.
27. The poetasters' work was seen as a desperate attempt to be noticed.
28. The poetasters' work was a pitiful attempt to mimic true poetic language.
29. The competition was stiff for the poetasters, but the real poets shone through.
30. The poetasters' attempts at poetry were cringe-worthy at best.

Common Phases

1. These amateur poets are nothing but poetasters; their work lacks depth and originality.
2. I can't stand listening to those poetasters; their words don't resonate with me.
3. The literary magazine was filled with poetasters trying to pass off their clichéd verse as profound.
4. It's frustrating to see the spotlight given to mediocre poetasters while talented poets go unnoticed.
5. I feel sorry for those who try to make a living as poetasters; it's a tough industry with little reward.
6. The judge harshly criticized the poetasters for their lack of skill and lazy writing.
7. The open mic night was overrun with poetasters reciting cringe-worthy poems.
8. The workshop was designed to help budding poets improve their craft and avoid becoming mere poetasters.
9. The critic's scathing review condemned the poetry collection as the work of mere poetasters.
10. The professor encouraged his students to read the great poets of the past so they wouldn't become mere poetasters.

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