Polarization example sentences
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- "Polarization" example sentences
Related (7): division, extremism, partisanship, radicalization, segregation, stratification, homogenization
"Polarization" Example Sentences
1. The polarization of the national political discourse has made compromise nearly impossible.
2. The polarization of the light waves was necessary for the experiment to work.
3. The country has seen a dangerous polarization between the rich and the poor.
4. The polarization of opinion on the issue of climate change is striking.
5. The polarization of the atoms caused the material to become magnetic.
6. The polarization of the electorate is clearly evident in election results.
7. The polarization of the lenses improves visibility in bright sunlight.
8. The polarization of society along racial lines is a troubling trend.
9. The polarization of the electromagnetic field was critical to the success of the experiment.
10. The polarization of views on gun control is a contentious issue.
11. The polarization of the solar panels maximizes their efficiency.
12. The polarization of the two political parties has led to a lack of cooperation in government.
13. The polarization of the media has created a situation where people only seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs.
14. The polarization of the magnetic field caused the iron filings to align in a particular pattern.
15. The polarization of the debate on healthcare reform reflects the deep ideological differences between the two sides.
16. The polarization of the laser beam is essential for precision manufacturing.
17. The polarization of society around issues of religion has been a source of conflict for centuries.
18. The polarization of the image on the screen makes it easier to see in bright light.
19. The polarization of the church has led to schisms and divisions throughout history.
20. The polarization of public opinion on immigration has made it difficult to find a compromise solution.
21. The polarization of the light waves in the fiber optic cable allows for high-speed data transmission.
22. The polarization of interests between the developed and developing countries has slowed progress on climate change initiatives.
23. The polarization of the air molecules is what creates atmospheric pressure.
24. The polarization of views on the role of government in society is a fundamental disagreement between liberals and conservatives.
25. The polarization of the electrodes in the battery generates electricity.
26. The polarization of public opinion on renewable energy sources reflects societal values and priorities.
27. The polarization of economic power between the global North and South is a major issue in international development.
28. The polarization of the ions in the electrolyte solution is what drives the chemical reaction in a battery.
29. The polarization of political discourse has led to a growing sense of pessimism and disillusionment among the public.
30. The polarization of magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic material produces a magnetic field.
Common Phases
1. The
polarization of light;
2. Political
3. The
polarization of opinions;
4. Magnetic
5. Social
6. The
polarization of society;
7. Electric
8. Cultural
9. Atmospheric
Polarization of the economy.
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