Polders example sentences

Related (4): Netherlands, dikes, windmills, wetlands

"Polders" Example Sentences

1. In the Netherlands, polders play an important role in the country's agricultural industry.
2. The construction of polders is a centuries-old technique still used today.
3. The creation of polders involves building embankments and draining water out of low-lying areas.
4. The polders in this area are particularly fertile and produce high-quality crops.
5. The farmers who work the polders often face challenges like flooding and soil erosion.
6. The government has invested heavily in maintaining the polders and ensuring their long-term sustainability.
7. Polders are an essential part of the Netherlands' ongoing battle against flooding.
8. Despite their importance, the polders are often threatened by rising sea levels and climate change.
9. It takes a lot of hard work to successfully farm a polder.
10. Many of the polders in this region are designated as nature reserves, providing habitat for a variety of wildlife.
11. The draining of polders has been controversial in some areas, with concerns about the environmental impact of these practices.
12. The polders in this area are a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the people who built them.
13. Polders are often located near the coastline, where low-lying areas are at risk of flooding.
14. Maintaining the intricate system of pumps and drainage channels required for polders is a challenging task.
15. The Dutch have been building polders for over a thousand years, making them experts in this field.
16. Many tourists visit the Netherlands to see the iconic windmills that help keep the polders dry and well-drained.
17. Polders are an important part of the country's cultural heritage, reflecting the innovative spirit of the Dutch people.
18. Despite their importance, the future of the polders is uncertain given the ongoing threat of sea level rise.
19. The process of creating a polder involves transforming a once-flooded area into fertile farmland.
20. The complex network of canals that crisscross the polders is an impressive feat of engineering.
21. The success of the polders has inspired similar projects in other parts of the world.
22. Polders are a key part of the country's economy, providing income and livelihoods for many people.
23. The fertile soil of the polders is ideal for growing crops like potatoes and onions.
24. The unique landscape of the polders has inspired many artists and writers over the years.
25. The beauty of the polders is a testament to the resilience of nature and the creativity of human beings.
26. The development of the polders has been critical to the Netherlands' ability to provide food for its population.
27. Polders are an example of how humans can work in harmony with nature to achieve their goals.
28. The infrastructure of the polders is a crucial component of the country's water management system.
29. Despite the challenges they face, the farmers who work the polders continue to innovate and adapt to changing conditions.
30. The polders are a living testament to the Dutch people's ongoing struggle against the sea.

Common Phases

1. The Netherlands is famous for its polders; these are areas of land reclaimed from the sea or rivers.
2. Polders are usually protected by dikes; these are large embankments built to prevent flooding.
3. The process of creating a polder involves draining the water from an area; this is often done using pumps.
4. Polders are typically used for farming; they provide fertile land for crops and livestock.
5. Polders also serve as important habitats for wildlife; many migratory birds use them as stopover points during their journeys.
6. Maintaining a polder requires constant upkeep; the dikes must be regularly inspected and repaired to ensure their stability.
7. Some polders have been in use for centuries; they represent an important part of the Netherlands' cultural heritage.
8. As sea levels continue to rise, the Dutch are working to create new polders; these will help to protect their country from the threat of flooding.

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