Potshots example sentences

Related (10): targeting, criticism, mocking, ridicule, belittling, derision, jabs, barbs, digs, snipes

"Potshots" Example Sentences

1. The comedian made some potshots at the politicians during his stand-up routine.
2. The journalist took some potshots at the CEO in her article.
3. The opposing team kept taking potshots at our goalie.
4. The candidate took some potshots at his opponents during the debate.
5. The painter took some potshots at the art critic's taste in art.
6. The actor made some potshots at Hollywood during his acceptance speech.
7. The writer took some potshots at the publishing industry in his book.
8. The singer made some potshots at the music industry in her song.
9. The employee always takes potshots at his boss during meetings.
10. The gamer kept taking potshots at his opponent in the video game.
11. The reviewer took some potshots at the restaurant's food and service.
12. The coach kept taking potshots at the referee during the game.
13. The teacher took some potshots at the education system during her lecture.
14. The talk show host made some potshots at the guests during the interview.
15. The investor took some potshots at the stock market during his presentation.
16. The activist took some potshots at the government's policies during the protest.
17. The chef made some potshots at the food critics during her cooking show.
18. The filmmaker took some potshots at the movie industry during his documentary.
19. The scientist made some potshots at the climate change deniers during his speech.
20. The blogger took some potshots at the social media platforms in his post.
21. The artist made some potshots at the art world during his exhibition.
22. The athlete kept taking potshots at his competitor during the race.
23. The musician made some potshots at the music labels during his concert.
24. The designer took some potshots at the fashion industry during her show.
25. The entrepreneur made some potshots at the business world during his presentation.
26. The commentator took some potshots at the sportscasters during the game.
27. The author made some potshots at the literary critics during her book launch.
28. The comedian kept taking potshots at the hecklers during his performance.
29. The journalist took some potshots at the media industry in his article.
30. The politician made some potshots at the opposition party during his speech.

Common Phases

1. It's easy to take potshots at someone when you're not in their shoes;
2. Stop taking potshots at me and start focusing on your own work;
3. I won't take potshots at you if you don't take them at me;
4. He's the kind of person who always takes potshots at others to feel better about himself;
5. I know it's tempting to take potshots at the opposition, but let's stick to discussing the issues at hand;
6. Taking potshots at each other won't solve anything; let's work together to find a solution;
7. The media loves to take potshots at politicians, but they rarely offer any constructive criticism;
8. We need to stop taking potshots at each other and start working towards a common goal.

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