Pout example sentences

Related (8): pucker, sulk, grimace, frown, scowl, purse, jut, protrude

"Pout" Example Sentences

1. The child pouted when told she couldn't have any candy.
2. Sarah's lip began to pout as she fought back tears.
3. He saw the girl's lower lip start to pout and knew she was going to cry.
4. Melissa's cute little pout got her out of trouble once again.
5. Sally tried her best pout in hopes her dad would change his mind.
6. The toddler's bottom lip started to pout as soon as he saw the candy jar.
7. Emma always got what she wanted with her adorable little pout.
8. Anna's pout immediately softened when her mother gave in to her demands.
9. The puppy gave me his saddest pout hoping for a treat.
10. Jimmy was pouting in the corner because he didn't get to play volleyball.
11. I tried not to laugh at her silly little pout over such a trivial issue.
12. Her seductive pout melted his resolve as she moved closer.
13. She pouted in the mirror, unsatisfied with her reflection.
14. My daughter's pout turned into a smile when I agreed to one more bedtime story.
15. Jane pouted to herself when Jack failed to notice her new dress.
16. The baby started pouting when she couldn't reach the shiny toy.
17. He involuntarily started pouting when he heard the bad news.
18. Sara's pouting only made me more determined not to give in.
19. I teased her about her silly little pout and she tried to look serious.
20. The puppy pouted on the corner of the couch, unwilling to make up.
21. The little boy began dramatically pouting and crying for attention.
22. His lower lip started trembling in an adorable little pout.
23. Amber started pouting after she lost the game.
24. With her bottom lip pouting out and shoulders slumped, Beth looked defeated.
25. The spoiled child threw a tantrum and started pouting when he didn't get his way.
26. Don't be such a baby; stop pouting and act your age.
27. She gave an exaggerated pout while pretending to be upset.
28. Luke pouted ferociously after being scolded for misbehaving.
29. The sad puppy eyes and pitiful little pout wore me down.
30. Don't pout, I'll help you with your homework after dinner.
31. Her classic Monroe pout captivated the audience.
32. He started theatrically pouting as soon as his team lost the game.
33. Kelly began pouting when she realized she had to study for the exam.
34. Her sultry pout and flirtatious smile stole every guy's attention in the room.
35. My little brother always knew I couldn't resist his cute pouting face.
36. Grace pouted when told she couldn't have any more ice cream.
37. Her seductive pout drew him in like a moth to a flame.
38. The cute little girl gave me her sweetest pout when asking for something.
39. Nicole tried to pout seductively but ended up just looking silly.
40. His childish pouting made me realize how immature he actually was.
41. My supervisor scolded me for continuously pouting after I was given feedback.
42. The adorable puppy's begging pout melted my heart.
43. Her bottom lip started trembling in an irresistible pout.
44. The infant pouted and cried as soon as he realized his mother had left.
45. The child began pouting as soon as she didn't get what she wanted.
46. I couldn't help but laugh at her dramatic pout over such a small issue.
47. Liam's pouting face looked so sad and innocent.
48. Her pouting face made me feel guilty for disappointing her.
49. The toddler's angry pout soon turned into a smile of relief.
50. His pout made him look more like an unhappy toddler than an adult man.
51. Don't give me that pouty face - you know the rules.
52. His pouty lips drew her in like a sweet intoxication.
53. Sally tried her best puppy dog pout but it didn't work this time.
54. Ana's exaggerated pout soon became an infectious giggle.
55. The little girl threw a tantrum and started pouting when she didn't get her way.
56. The model's pout was perfectly slutty and mysterious all at once.
57. The infant started pouting and whimpering as soon as she saw the syringe.
58. Don't kid yourself - that pouting lip isn't fooling anyone.
59. The boy stood in the corner pouting and sulking.
60. Her perfect little pout made me want to spoil her with anything she desired.

Common Phases

1. The little boy pouted when he was denied dessert.
2. The toddler pouted and crossed her arms, showing her displeasure.
3. The teenage girl stuck out her lip and pouted when her parents said no.
4. She could only stare and pout indignantly at his back as he walked away.
5. Sally pouted until her mother gave in and let her have an extra cookie.
6. The puppy pouted and gave me those sad eyes that I couldn't resist.
7. His girlfriend's pout could melt the coldest of hearts.
8. The baby pouted and whined until she got her favorite toy back.
9. When he saw I had picked a different restaurant, he gave an exaggerated pout.
10. I couldn't help but laugh at my toddler's cartoonish pout.
11. He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted at me in an exaggerated fashion.
12. She put on her best pout and fluttered her eyelashes, trying to sway my decision.
13. The disappointed little boy stared at the floor, pouting silently.
14. My niece would stamp her foot and pout when told it was time for bed.
15. His frustration showed on his face as his bottom lip began to pout.
16. I laughed at the ridiculous pout my little sister made when I took her toy.
17. I love my boyfriend's cute pout when I refuse to buy him treats.
18. Her sulky pout at being left out of the game melted my heart.
19. She sported a resolute pout as she folded her arms across her chest.
20. The model posed with her lips pouting and eyes smoldering for the camera.
21. He pursed his lips into an exaggerated pout when I wouldn't give him the last cookie.
22. She gave an adorable little pout when she didn't get her way.
23. The young child sat in the corner, sadly pouting and not making eye contact.
24. The rejected suitor pouted and wandered off, scuffing his feet.
25. The spoiled kid threw himself on the floor and pouted loudly after being told no.
26. The angsty teen gave a dramatic pout and rolled his eyes.
27. With a pout, she turned her back on me, refusing to speak.
28. All I had to do was smile and he dropped his pout, grinning back.
29. He began to pout behind her back as soon as she said no.
30. I couldn't resist laughing at her exaggerated pout and puppy dog eyes.
31. I couldn't help smiling at her adorable little pout.
32. She left the room in a huff, pouting the whole way.
33. The disgruntled employee stood around pouting, upset at being passed over for a promotion.
34. I could almost see the puppy dog pout forming behind his angry façade.
35. The disappointed little girl sadly pouted into her favorite stuffed animal.
36 She humphed and pouted, annoyed that I wouldn't do what she wanted.
37. With a petulant pout, he complained about not getting his way.
38. His pose—lips pursed, staring at the floor—seemed like a silent pout.
39. I didn't find the teenage girl's pouting over her curfew very persuasive.
40. Even his pout couldn't soften my refusal.
41. She stuck out her bottom lip and pouted prettily, hoping to charm a treat from me.
42. My toddler pouted and whined, unhappy that playtime was over.
43. The disappointed child gave an exaggerated pout, trying to evoke sympathy.
44. His pout turned into a secret little smile when I relented.
45. My brother's sad puppy dog pout got him out of trouble with our parents.
46. She stomped her foot and pouted, looking so adorable I had to laugh.
47. The spoiled child's pouts and tears were ignored by her exasperated parents.
48. With a dramatic pout, she stomped from the room, slamming the door behind her.
49. The little boy's petulant pout was almost comical.
50. His pouty face looked so ridiculous I couldn't help but laugh.
51. The defeated boy pouted and kicked at the dirt as he walked home.
52. Despite his pout, I would not be swayed into changing my decision.
53. She rolled her eyes at his childish pout.
54. The teenager gave an over-the-top pout to make his friends laugh.
55. With an exaggerated pout, he begged for just one more cookie.
56. The pouting toddler's tantrum was getting out of hand.
57. I laughed at my daughter's exaggerated pouting face.
58. The spoiled child's pout meant nothing to her exhausted parents.
59. Her proud, regal pout only made me laugh harder.
60. He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted comically.

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