Precipitateness example sentences

Related (5): haste, rashness, impetuousness, impulsiveness, recklessness

"Precipitateness" Example Sentences

1. The precipitateness of her decision led to disastrous consequences.
2. I was taken aback by the precipitateness of his proposal.
3. It was the precipitateness of his judgment that cost him the promotion.
4. Her impulsiveness and precipitateness was a cause for concern for her friends.
5. The company's precipitateness in launching the product caused quality issues.
6. The lawyer cautioned him against the precipitateness of his decision to testify.
7. The team captain's precipitateness cost them the championship.
8. The president was criticized for the precipitateness of his response to the crisis.
9. The professor pointed out the student's precipitateness in overlooking important details.
10. Her friends were concerned about the precipitateness of her planned elopement.
11. The senator's precipitateness in proposing the bill without careful research was evident.
12. The accident was caused by the driver's precipitateness in overtaking the other car.
13. The CEO was praised for his ability to avoid the precipitateness of his predecessors.
14. The judges criticized the defendant for his precipitateness in taking the plea bargain.
15. The manager cautioned his team against the precipitateness of implementing changes without proper testing.
16. The board members were worried about the precipitateness of the CEO's decision to merge with another company.
17. The author's precipitateness in publishing the novel without proper editing led to criticism.
18. The coach reprimanded the player for his precipitateness in committing a foul.
19. The police officer was praised for his calmness in handling the situation despite the precipitateness of the suspect.
20. The scientist cautioned against the precipitateness of drawing conclusions based on incomplete data.
21. The diplomat was criticized for the precipitateness of his comments that could lead to diplomatic tensions.
22. The boss was concerned about the precipitateness of the employee's decision to quit the job.
23. The surgeon warned against the precipitateness of the patient's decision to undergo major surgery without proper evaluation.
24. The media was skeptical of the government's precipitateness in declaring victory in the war.
25. The artist regretted the precipitateness of his decision to sell his artworks at a lower price.
26. The journalist criticized the politician for the precipitateness of his comments without proper evidence.
27. The teacher warned the student about the precipitateness of making assumptions without proper research.
28. The activist urged caution against the precipitateness of boycotting a company without knowing all the facts.
29. The businessman was praised for his ability to avoid the precipitateness of making hasty investments.
30. The parent cautioned the child against the precipitateness of crossing the street without looking both ways.

Common Phases

1. The precipitateness of his decision led to unexpected consequences;
2. We should not act with such precipitateness in matters of grave importance;
3. Her precipitateness often leads her into trouble;
4. The company's success was partly due to their ability to react swiftly without falling into precipitateness.

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