Preclusive example sentences

Related (10): preemptive, exclusive, inhibitory, prohibiting, prohibitive, preventative, hindering, blocking, constraining, limiting

"Preclusive" Example Sentences

1. The preclusive nature of her personality made it difficult for others to approach her.
2. The preclusive clause in the contract prevented any further negotiation.
3. His preclusive behavior left him isolated from his peers.
4. The preclusive measures taken by the company prevented any potential threats.
5. The preclusive attitude of the government only worsened the situation.
6. The preclusive policy implemented by the school was met with resistance from the students.
7. The preclusive tone of the letter made it clear that negotiations were over.
8. The preclusive regulations made it difficult for new businesses to enter the market.
9. The preclusive agreement between the two countries paved the way for economic cooperation.
10. The preclusive tactics used by the army prevented any further casualties.
11. The preclusive power vested in the president allowed him to make important decisions.
12. The preclusive strategy employed by the team helped them secure the victory.
13. The preclusive laws in the country were designed to protect the citizens.
14. The preclusive speech made by the politician sparked controversy among the public.
15. The preclusive measures taken by the organization helped prevent the spread of the disease.
16. The preclusive stance taken by the company increased their credibility among investors.
17. The preclusive nature of the industry made it difficult for new players to enter.
18. The preclusive tone of the teacher made it hard for students to approach her for help.
19. The preclusive policies of the government were met with criticism from various groups.
20. The preclusive regulations made it difficult for small businesses to compete with larger corporations.
21. The preclusive agreement between the countries laid the foundation for lasting peace.
22. The preclusive tactics used by the police force helped them capture the suspect.
23. The preclusive approach taken by the research team ensured accurate results.
24. The preclusive measures taken by the airline ensured safety of passengers.
25. The preclusive nature of the sport made it challenging for beginners to participate.
26. The preclusive strategy employed by the company helped them maintain their market position.
27. The preclusive laws in the country gave citizens a sense of security.
28. The preclusive speech made by the CEO inspired employees to work harder.
29. The preclusive measures taken by the government helped prevent a major disaster.
30. The preclusive attitude of the manager made it difficult for employees to voice their concerns.

Common Phases

1. The preclusive nature of the contract prevented any further negotiations;
2. The preclusive evidence presented by the prosecution left no room for doubt;
3. The preclusive actions taken by the government caused widespread outrage;
4. The preclusive rules set by the organization made it difficult for new members to join;
5. The preclusive attitude of the boss made it hard for employees to voice their concerns.

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