Predestinen example sentences

Related (4): destiny, fate, predetermined, preordained

"Predestinen" Example Sentences

1. The concept of predestination has always been a source of controversy in religious circles.
2. According to some beliefs, individuals are predestined for success or failure based on their actions in past lives.
3. The doctrine of predestination suggests that everything in our lives has already been predetermined by a higher power.
4. If you believe in predestination, then it's hard to see how free will can coexist with divine providence.
5. Some people see their faith as a way to cope with the harsh reality of predestined events.
6. What if our fate is predestined, and no matter what we do, we'll end up in the same place?
7. Even if you don't believe in predestined events, it's still good to be prepared for anything that can happen.
8. The idea of predestination puts a lot of pressure on people to live up to certain expectations and follow a set path in life.
9. While some see predestination as a way to make sense of the chaos in the world, others see it as a form of fatalism that can lead to despair.
10. The concept of predestination has influenced many aspects of human history, from politics to philosophy.
11. Even if you do believe in predestination, there's still room for individual responsibility and creativity in how you approach your life.
12. Some people find comfort in knowing that their fate is predestined, while others find it limiting and oppressive.
13. The idea of predestination is often used to explain the suffering and pain that people experience in their lives.
14. The concept of predestination is deeply ingrained in many religious traditions around the world.
15. Whether or not we're predestined to achieve greatness, it's up to us to take action and make it happen.
16. The doctrine of predestination has been the subject of heated debate among theologians for centuries.
17. Even if we're predestined to succeed or fail, we should still strive to make the most of our lives and pursue our goals with passion and dedication.
18. Some people find predestination to be a comforting thought, while others see it as a form of oppression that strips away our agency and autonomy.
19. The idea of predestination raises important questions about the nature of free will and the role of divine intervention in our lives.
20. If we're predestined to follow a certain path in life, is there any point in trying to change our fate?
21. While it's tempting to believe that our lives are predestined for greatness, the reality is that much of our success relies on hard work and perseverance.
22. The doctrine of predestination can be a double-edged sword, offering comfort to some and despair to others.
23. The idea of predestination challenges us to reflect on our own beliefs about destiny, free will, and the role of the divine in our lives.
24. Even if we're predestined to achieve greatness, we still need to take action and pursue our goals with determination and grit.
25. The concept of predestination is often used to justify the suffering and hardship that people experience in their lives.
26. Whether or not we're predestined to achieve our goals, we should still strive to be the best version of ourselves and make a positive impact on the world around us.
27. The idea of predestination raises important ethical questions about the nature of responsibility and agency.
28. If we're predestined to follow a certain path in life, what does that say about the value of our choices and actions?
29. While the doctrine of predestination may provide comfort in times of hardship, it can also lead to a sense of helplessness and resignation.
30. Even if our fate is predestined, we still have the power to shape our own destinies through our actions and choices.

Common Phases

1. Many people believe that their fate is predestined; they feel like they have no control over their lives.
2. The concept of predestination has been debated for centuries; some argue that it goes against the principle of free will.
3. Certain religions subscribe to the idea of predestination; they believe that God has already chosen who will be saved and who will not.
4. The idea of predestined love is popular in literature and movies; it implies that two people were meant to be together from the start.
5. Some people feel comforted by the idea of predestination; they believe that everything happens for a reason and that their experiences are part of a larger plan.

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