"Predestines" Example Sentences
1. The belief in fate predestines some individuals to a certain path in life.
2. His genetic makeup predestines him to have blue eyes.
3. Some cultures believe that karma predestines one's future.
4. Our biology predestines our physical features.
5. The initial choices that we make predestine our future success or failure.
6. Their upbringing predestined them to become successful entrepreneurs.
7. Predestination theology argues that God predestines who will be saved.
8. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods predestined their fate.
9. His actions today will predestine the outcome of his future.
10. Our childhood experiences can predestine how we respond to situations later in life.
11. A history of addiction in the family predestines some individuals to become addicts themselves.
12. Society often predestines our career paths based on our social status.
13. Our environment predestines our perception of the world around us.
14. Some believe that the stars predestine our fate.
15. A lack of education can predestine individuals to a life of poverty.
16. Preconceived notions can predestine the outcome of a situation.
17. Our personality traits often predestine how we interact with others.
18. The laws of nature predestine certain scientific outcomes.
19. Early childhood experiences can predestine our emotional responses to situations later in life.
20. Genetics can predestine certain health conditions.
21. The economy predestines the job opportunities available to us.
22. Our social circle can predestine our future relationships.
23. Mental illness can predestine certain behaviors and thought patterns.
24. The weather can predestine our outdoor activities for the day.
25. A lack of resources can predestine someone to fail.
26. The food we eat can predestine our physical health.
27. Our upbringing predestines our cultural and social values.
28. Social norms can predestine our behavior in certain situations.
29. Prejudice can predestine certain stereotypes and biases.
30. The laws and regulations predestine the consequences of our actions.
Common Phases
1. "His actions towards others
predestines his future relationships; it's all a matter of karma."
2. "The choices we make today
predestines our future; we have the power to shape our destiny."
3. "God
predestines our path in life; it's up to us to follow it or resist it."
4. "Some believe that our birth
predestines our fate; others think we have free will to change it."
5. "The laws of the universe predestine certain events to happen; accepting it helps us move forward."
6. "The prophecy
predestines the chosen one to bring peace to the world; will they succeed or fail?"
7. "The stars predestine our personality traits; but we can still work to improve ourselves."