Presuppose example sentences
Related (7): assume, imply, require, necessitate, entail, suppose, postulate
presuppose (verb) · presupposes (third person present) · presupposed (past tense) · presupposed (past participle) · presupposing (present participle)
- (of an action, process, or argument) require as a precondition of possibility or coherence:
- tacitly assume at the beginning of a line of argument or course of action that something is the case:
require, necessitate, imply, entail, mean, involve, assume, suppose, presume, assume, suppose, surmise, think, accept, consider, postulate, posit"Presuppose" Example Sentences
1. His theory presupposes a great deal of knowledge that we do not have.
2. The argument presupposes that humans are entirely rational beings.
3. Her statement presupposes that money equals happiness.
4. The problem with his argument is that it presupposes things that are not necessarily true.
5. The question presupposes that I agree with the underlying assumptions.
6. You presuppose that money is the most important thing in life.
7. The discussion presupposes a basic understanding of the subject matter.
8. His proposal presupposes access to resources that we do not have.
9. She presupposes familiarity with the topic that many people do not possess.
10. His recommendation presupposes conditions that may not be achievable.
11. Their conversation presupposed a shared cultural and historical context.
12. That way of thinking presupposes a mechanistic view of the universe.
13. The accusation presupposes motives that have not been proven.
14. The instructions presuppose knowledge and skills that I do not have.
15. The very question itself presupposes a bias toward one answer.
16. The law presupposes a degree of good faith that is often lacking.
17. The report presupposes facts that have not been sufficiently established.
18. The language we use often presupposes cultural biases and assumptions.
19. His definition presupposes knowledge that exists only within his field.
20. Her plan presupposes resources and infrastructure that may not exist.
21. Her comment presupposes I feel the same way that she does.
22. The question presupposes an either/or choice that is not so simple.
23. Their conclusion presupposes information that was not disclosed to us.
24. The label presupposes characteristics that may not apply to everyone.
25. The interpretation presupposes details that were not explicitly stated.
26. Their claim presupposes causal relationships that have not been demonstrated.
27. His complaint presupposes certain standards of behavior that may be subjective.
28. The document presupposes background knowledge that readers may lack.
29. The diagnosis presupposes specific knowledge of the patient's history and symptoms.
30. My silence presupposes neither agreement nor disagreement.
31. Their assumptions presuppose a right to judge that they may not actually have.
32. The criteria presuppose priorities that we have not collectively agreed upon.
33. The decision presupposes conditions that may or may not actually exist.
34. His request presupposes a level of expertise that I do not claim to have.
35. Her comment presupposes my consent, which has not been given.
36. The debate presupposes issues that are still largely theoretical.
37. The argument presupposes correlations that have not been conclusively demonstrated.
38. The procedure presupposes risks that must be carefully considered.
39. The cure presupposes an understanding of the cause.
40. My participation presupposes my consent, which has not been obtained.
41. The sermon presupposed a shared theology that may not actually exist.
42. The forecast presupposes conditions that may or may not occur.
43. The greeting presupposes a familiarity that does not actually exist between us.
44. The reprimand presupposes authority that has not been granted.
45. Their approach presupposes knowledge that only hindsight can provide.
46. The schedule presupposes productivity levels that may be unrealistic.
47. The news coverage presupposes facts that have yet to be properly verified.
48. The role presupposes authority that has not formally been bestowed.
49. The rating presupposes standards that may be subjective or culturally biased.
50. The label presupposes characteristics that may or may not apply.
51. The essay presupposes perspectives that the reader may not share.
52. The hypothesis presupposes mechanisms that have yet to be discovered.
53. The job presupposes qualifications that I do not actually possess.
54. The policy presupposes causes that have not been conclusively demonstrated.
55. The example presupposes knowledge of its context that cannot be assumed.
56. The solution presupposes awareness of an accurate formulation of the problem.
57. The invitation presupposes a prior relationship that does not exist.
58. The design presupposes functionality that has yet to be proven.
59. The legislation presupposes motivations that cannot be conclusively attributed.
60. The joke presupposes a shared frame of reference between teller and audience.
Common Phases
1. Your argument presupposes that humans are inherently rational beings.
2. They presupposed that everyone in the audience would support their proposal.
3. The question itself presupposes a false premise.
4. The author presupposes a basic knowledge of the subject in the reader.
5. That theory presupposes access to data we do not have.
6. You cannot presuppose information that has not been provided.
7. She presupposed my agreement and didn't bother to consult me.
8. Their discussion of the issue presupposed a common understanding that did not exist.
9. The test presupposes a level of knowledge that not all students possess.
10. His lecture presupposed advanced study of the subject that I lacked.
11. Their model of trade presupposes perfect information and symmetrical access.
12. The advertiser presupposes that we value youth and beauty above all else.
13. Presupposing good intent can sometimes diffuse a tense situation.
14. She presupposed a general knowledge of physics that many readers would not have.
15. The instruction manual presupposes a basic level of technical competence.
16. The question presupposes the very thing that is under debate.
17. The teaching presupposes that all children learn in the same way.
18. Their analysis presupposes access to privileged information.
19. The program presupposes computer skills that many elderly people lack.
20. The software presupposes a certain knowledge of programming languages.
21. Her arguments presuppose the truth of statements that have yet to be proven.
22. The game presupposes basic literacy and numeracy that some children do not have.
23. Their forecast presupposes continued economic growth which is not guaranteed.
24. The advertising presupposes that we are all motivated primarily by material gain.
25. The procedures presuppose the availability of resources that do not exist.
26. Their methodology presupposes an understanding of concepts not yet covered.
27. The coursework presupposes prior knowledge of the subject that I do not possess.
28. He presupposed I shared his political views though we had never discussed them.
29. The instruction presupposed knowledge of computer programming I did not have.
30. The problem presupposes constant parameters that are actually variable.
31. Their assumptions presuppose access to data that has yet to be gathered.
32. Their model presupposes rational actors when humans are often irrational.
33. The information presupposes a basic understanding of economic principles.
34. The application presupposes skills and abilities that some applicants do not have.
35. His lecture presupposed a background in the field that most of us lacked.
36. The sermon presupposed religious views that not everyone in the congregation held.
37. The questions presupposed knowledge of concepts that had not yet been covered.
38. Their theory presupposes data and variables we do not actually have.
39. The political platform presupposes high levels of economic growth that are unlikely.
40. The game presupposes hand-eye coordination that some players do not possess.
41. The medical protocol presupposes diagnostic abilities that general practitioners may lack.
42. The exercise presupposes strength and fitness levels that all students do not have.
43. Their economic model presupposes access to information that is not readily available.
44. Her article presupposes a knowledge of history that not all readers will possess.
45. The exercise presupposes literacy that many of the target audience do not have.
46. The hypothesis presupposes data and correlations that have not yet been established.
47. The politician presupposed support for his position though no one had been polled.
48. The investment opportunity presupposes a level of risk tolerance that you may not have.
49. The premise presupposes conditions that do not actually exist in the real world.
50. The evaluation presupposes knowledge that some students have not yet acquired.
51. The policy presupposes causes of poverty that have been widely disputed.
52. The candidate presupposed support for his platform though he had no evidence.
53. Their model presupposes stability that does not exist in complex systems.
54. He presupposed common ground that we did not actually share.
55. The tax plan presupposes levels of economic growth that are unrealistically high.
56. The questionnaire presupposes knowledge that respondents may not possess.
57. The quiz presupposes familiarity with concepts that have not yet been covered.
58. The explanation presupposes skills students have not yet been taught.
59. Their hypothesis presupposes a causal relationship that has not been established.
60. The logic presupposes premises that have not been proven.
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