Pretermitting example sentences

Related (4): neglecting, omitting, skipping, disregarding

"Pretermitting" Example Sentences

1. Pretermitting our planned route, we decided to take a detour through the scenic countryside.
2. It's important not to pretermit any steps in the recipe, or the final result may not turn out as expected.
3. The company must avoid pretermitting any safety measures in order to protect their employees.
4. Despite his busy schedule, he refused to pretermit his daily exercise routine.
5. The teacher warned the students not to pretermit any of the assigned readings.
6. It's easy to accidentally pretermit details when under pressure or stress.
7. The lawyer was accused of pretermitting important evidence in the trial.
8. She realized she had pretermitted a vital ingredient in the recipe after the dish had already been served.
9. Pretermitting his usual quiet demeanor, he spoke up against the unfair treatment.
10. The author was criticized for pretermitting any mention of diversity in the book.
11. The surgeon took care not to pretermit any necessary steps during the delicate operation.
12. Pretermitting his own safety, the firefighter rushed into the burning building to save the trapped residents.
13. The business owner couldn't afford to pretermit any opportunities for growth and expansion.
14. The government must not pretermit national security in their decision making.
15. Pretermitting any distractions, she focused on her studies and aced the exam.
16. The team made a plan to pretermit any potential errors in their presentation.
17. He felt guilty for pretermitting his friend's call for help.
18. Pretermitting any negative feedback, he remained positive and persistent in achieving his goal.
19. The hotel staff must not pretermit any requests or complaints from their guests.
20. Pretermitting any setbacks, she persisted in pursuing her dreams.
21. The coach warned the players not to pretermit any training sessions.
22. Pretermitting their personal differences, the politicians worked together for the greater good.
23. The company must not pretermit any environmental regulations in their business practices.
24. Pretermitting his initial doubts, he decided to take a chance and apply for the job.
25. The customer service representative must not pretermit any customer concerns or complaints.
26. Pretermitting his usual skepticism, he opened his mind to new possibilities and ideas.
27. The chef could not afford to pretermit any important flavor combinations in his dishes.
28. Pretermitting any distractions, she worked tirelessly to meet the project deadline.
29. The project team must not pretermit any essential details in their planning process.
30. Pretermitting any potential risks, he embarked on a daring adventure.

Common Phases

1. Pretermitting the necessary preparations; the project was bound to fail.
2. Pretermitting the safety guidelines; the workers were put in danger.
3. Pretermitting their duties; the employees were severely reprimanded.
4. Pretermitting the deadline; the client terminated the contract.
5. Pretermitting the budget; the business went bankrupt.

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