Previse example sentences
Related (5): predict, forecast, anticipate, prophesy, project
verb literary
previse (verb) · previses (third person present) · prevised (past tense) · prevised (past participle) · prevising (present participle)
- foresee or predict (an event):
bode, portend, herald, foreshadow, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote, foretell, forecast, predict, prophesy, prognosticate, divine, foresee, betoken, foretoken, forebode, harbinger, foreshow, vaticinate"Previse" Example Sentences
1. The budget forecast did not previse for the sudden rise in costs.
2. Please previse all major expenses in the report prior to submitting the finalized draft.
3. We attempted to previse all possible scenarios but the unforeseen event still caught us by surprise.
4. The contract pre-vised a 3% cost increase each year.
5. The development team failed to previse the potential technical constraints.
6. They should have pre-vised for delays in shipping given the supply chain disruptions.
7. We need to previse for maintenance and upgrades in the yearly IT budget.
8. The engineering team failed to previse for the unforeseen demand in their initial calculations.
9. The agreement pre-vised for binding arbitration in case of legal disputes.
10. The meteorologists could not previse severe storms based on available data.
11. The consequences were not pre-vised in the risk assessment report.
12. The country did not previse the surge in asylum seekers in its refugee plan.
13. The economic indicators failed to previse the impending recession.
14. The emergency plan did not previse for a prolonged disruption of critical services.
15. The scenario planning attempted to previse a range of possible futures.
16. While we attempted to previse for unknowns, the complexity of variables exceeded our model.
17. The insurance policy pre-vised both property damage and personal injury claims.
18. The contract prevised either penalties or bonuses based on performance metrics.
19. The academic calendar pre-vised 12 weeks for exams and holidays.
20. The yield projection did not previse for adverse weather conditions.
21. We had properly pre-vised for all contingencies in the contingency planning process.
22. They should have pre-vised for fraud risks during the risk assessment phase.
23. Prices were pre-vised to increase by up to 15% each year.
24. The company failed to previse rising operational costs in its 3-year plan.
25. The feasibility study did not previse the necessary resources and manpower.
26. The military brass had failed to previse the enemy's counteroffensive.
27. The model failed to previse the sudden decrease in demand.
28. The health ministry did not previse the outbreak of the infectious disease.
29. The endowment did not previse for the erosion of purchasing power.
30. The startup failed to previse the difficulties of scaling the business.
31. We need to previse for worst-case scenarios in our disaster recovery planning.
32. The professor did not previse extra time for questions at end of lecture.
33. The grant pre-vised ongoing funding for 5 years.
34. The company failed to previse the spike in raw material costs.
35. The constitution pre-vised mechanisms for dealing with extreme situations.
36. The interviewer failed to previse the controversial nature of a question.
37. The memo had not properly pre-vised for the potential opportunities.
38. The software did not previse the potential workarounds to its security.
39. The client failed to previse the impact of change requests on project timelines.
40. The clause pre-vised penalties for late payments.
41. The report did not previse the possibility of an economic downturn.
42. The lawyer did not previse all potential legal issues in the agreement.
43. The product recall was not pre-vised in the risk assessment.
44. The policy did not previse any carveouts or exemptions.
45. They had failed to previse a contingency plan in case of default.
46. The simulation failed to previse the effects of a 'black swan' event.
47. The manager failed to previse the impact of delays on project completion.
48. The weather forecast did not previse such heavy snowfall.
49. The actuary failed to previse the increased accident rate among young drivers.
50. The model did not previse the emergence of new technologies.
51. The prospectus did not previse the possible decline in share price.
52. The terms did not previse payment in any currency other than U.S. dollars.
53. Her thesis failed to previse the unintended consequences of the policy.
54. The architect failed to previse the potential structural issues with the design.
55. The press release did not previse a delay in the product launch.
56. The lease pre-vised rent increases tied to inflation rates.
57. The projection failed to previse the impact of trade tariffs.
58. The curriculum did not previse handling of controversial topics.
59. The plan did not previse the possibility of budget cuts.
60. The policy did not previse any exceptions or loopholes.
Common Phases
1. fail to previse - The report failed to previse the full scope of costs involved.
2. properly previse - They did not properly previse for supply chain delays in their planning.
3. attempt to previse - We attempted to previse for all possible outcomes in our modeling.
4. pre-vise for - The contract pre-vised for annual cost adjustments based on inflation.
5. previse for - The contingency plan aims to previse for potential equipment failures.
6. had pre-vised - The original projections had pre-vised only moderate growth.
7. did not previse - The impact assessment did not previse such a severe effect on the environment.
8. previse in - Unexpected expenses were not pre-vised in the initial budget.
9. not pre-vised - The structural weaknesses were not pre-vised during the design phase.
10. pre-vise - The agreement aims to pre-vise penalties for late delivery of goods.
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