Prinking example sentences
Related (5): preening, primping, grooming, beautifying, adorning
prinking (present participle)
- spend time making minor adjustments to one's appearance; primp:
groom, tidy, arrange, brush, comb, smooth, beautify, pretty, preen, primp, titivate, plume"Prinking" Example Sentences
"Pranking" is not a common word in modern English. It seems you may have meant "pranking", as in playing pranks.1. The boys spent the afternoon pranking each other.
2. I got in trouble for constantly pranking my younger brother.
3. The group of mischievous teenagers spent their free time pranking the neighbors.
4. My roommate and I enjoyed pranking people on campus.
5. The pranks started out harmless but soon got out of hand.
6. Our office has a culture of pranking each other on April Fool's Day.
7. I replaced his shampoo with hair dye as a prank.
8. Her pranking habit eventually got her fired from the job.
9. The pranking caused so much trouble that the university had to intervene.
10. They were caught pranking the teacher and given detention.
11. Constantly pranking others can become annoying and harmful.
12. The prank phone calls eventually led to criminal charges.
13. His pranking days are long behind him now that he has a family.
14. The prank went too far and caused a lot of damage.
15. Pranking coworkers can negatively impact office morale.
16. The prankster ended up in hot water after that last prank.
17. The HR department had to get involved to stop the workplace pranking.
18. The pranking fad has gotten out of control at our school.
19. Their viral pranking videos got them kicked off campus.
20. The prankster was permanently banned from the store.
21. He spent all night setting up an elaborate prank for his friends.
22. The pranking turned malicious and started hurting people.
23. The plastic wrap on the toilet proved to be an unfunny prank.
24. Her harmless prank landed her in detention.
25. I had to tell him to stop pranking me so much.
26. The pranking mania ruined the work environment.
27. The pranking craze among teenagers needs adult supervision.
28. Pranking should never cause physical or emotional harm.
29. Pranking others for viral fame promotes the wrong values.
30. Their work suffered so much from constant pranking.
31. The neighbor's pranks were harmless at first but then got annoying.
32. They were pranking the teacher instead of paying attention in class.
33. His tendency to prank others got him in trouble with the authorities.
34. The college had to intervene to stop the dangerous pranking on campus.
35. Their habit of constantly pranking customers cost them the business.
36. The pranking escalated into vandalism and theft.
37. The pranking caused so much disruption that classes had to be canceled.
38. His pranking habit eventually lost him many friends.
39. The pranking was fun at first but eventually got old.
40. The viral pranking craze is teaching kids the wrong lessons.
41. Pranks should never belittle, humiliate or endanger others.
42. Workplace pranking may seem harmless but often crosses lines.
43. He got suspended from school for the prank he pulled.
44. Their careers suffered due to the amount of time spent pranking.
45. Pranks that traumatize or injure others go too far.
46. His roommate's constant pranking drove him crazy.
47. The pranking fad has spread like wildfire through social media.
48. The bucket of water on the door proved to be an ill-advised prank.
49. His tendency to prank others got him in trouble with the authorities.
50. The pranking resulted in thousands of dollars worth of damage.
Common Phases
1. The woman spent hours prinking in front of the mirror before the party.
2. I told the girl she didn't need to spend so long prinking, but she wasn't listening.
3. Leave off your prinking and pranking, we must be on our way.
4. The peacocks were prinking about with all their colorful feathers displayed.
5. The peahen scolded her mate for spending too much time prinking instead of finding food.
6. While the other creatures foraged, the peacock spent his days prinking in the sunshine.
7. Quit your silly prinking and help me with the dishes, the mother said.
8. Stop admiring yourself so much and get to work, stop all that silly prinking!
9. The girls were prinking and preening before going out for the night.
10. My cat spends ages prinking himself before going out to find a mate.
11. Men don't need to spend hours prinking like women do.
12. The belle of the ball spent all afternoon prinking to impress the young gentlemen.
13. Mother scolded her daughters for prinking instead of helping around the house.
14. The mirror is filled with fingerprints from where the boys were prinking before school.
15. Stop prinking and help me with the yardwork, son.
16. Why do women need to spend so much time prinking for a casual get-together?
17. Leave off your prinking, we're already late enough as it is!
18. The rooster strutted around prinking and crowing loudly to attract the hens.
19. Stop wasting time prinking and get to work, the boss scolded his employee.
20. Quit your silly prinking and preening, we've got chores to do!
21. The princess spent hours prinking to make sure she looked perfect for the ball.
22. Mother told the little girl to stop prinking and come help with the dinner instead.
23. While the workers labored, the nobleman spent his days prinking and hunting.
24. The crew laughed as the younger sailors spent ages prinking before going ashore.
25. Quit prinking and set a good example for your brothers, the mother said.
26. The young dandy spent his days prinking and promenading on the arm of his sweetheart.
27. Stop your silly prinking and come work in the shop, father said.
28. The peacock spread his tail feathers and started prinking to attract a mate.
29. The kitten spent ages prinking himself before venturing out of the kitchen.
30. My sisters were prinking for hours before the school dance.
31. The servant girl spent ages prinking before she went to market on her day off.
32. His every spare moment was spent prinking and preening in front of his reflection.
33. The vain dandy spent hours every morning prinking before he went out.
34. The boy spent ages prinking in front of the mirror before his first date.
35. Stop prinking and help me polish the silver, daughter.
36. The old woman scolded her husband for prinking instead of mending the fences.
37. Men shouldn't waste time prinking like women do.
38. She spent hours prinking for the man who didn't even notice.
39. The kitten bounded out of the house, having spent an hour prinking himself beforehand.
40. Quit your prinking and go milk the cows!
41. The peacock spent all morning prinking and showing off, not catching a single worm for the chicks.
42. Stop your silly prinking right now and come help me with the gardening!
43. I told my son to stop prinking in front of the mirror and go help his father.
44. The young dandy spent all day prinking and admiring himself in the mirror.
45. Stop your prinking and fussing, we are already late!
46. The preening peacock strutted about prinking in the sunshine.
47. Quit prinking and come help me with the housework, mother said.
48. The actress spent hours every day prinking and putting on makeup.
49. The peacock spread his tail feathers and started prinking to impress the peahen.
50. My daughter spent all morning prinking before she would get dressed and go out.
51. Quit your prinking and help me clean this mess up!
52. The rooster crowed and strutted about prinking to attract the hens.
53. Stop prinking and help me with these groceries, son!
54. My mother always told me to quit my prinking and come help around the house.
55. The boy spent ages prinking his hair before meeting his girlfriend.
56. Quit your prinking and clean your room like I asked you an hour ago!
57. The swan spent ages prinking his feathers before strutting over to the female swans.
58. Quit your prinking and come do your chores, young man!
59. The actor spent hours every day prinking himself before going on stage.
60. Leave off your prinking and help me with these parcels, the shopkeeper said.
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