Probity example sentences

Related (10): honesty, integrity, uprightness, righteousness, incorruptibility, virtue, rectitude, morality, ethics, principle


noun formal

probity (noun)

  - the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency:


integrity, honesty, uprightness, decency, morality, rectitude, goodness, virtue, trustworthiness, truthfulness, honor, honorableness, justice, fairness, equity, principles, ethics, untrustworthiness

"Probity" Example Sentences

1. The candidate's probity and sincerity were called into question during the campaign.
2. Her actions demonstrated the highest standards of moral principle and probity.
3. His probity and integrity were beyond reproach.
4. The officer's probity and honesty were well known.
5. The businessman's probity came into question when evidence of fraud was discovered.
6. The judge is known for her strict probity and impartiality.
7. Questions were raised about the official's probity after the scandal broke.
8. The witness's probity and truthfulness were challenged in court.
9. His probity and honesty have never been in doubt.
10. She handled the situation with the utmost probity and rectitude.
11. The accountant's probity ensured accurate and ethical financial reporting.
12. The nurse's probity and commitment to patient care were unquestionable.
13. The scholar is known for his probity and reputation as an authority in his field.
14. The priest's probity and morality were beyond reproach.
15. The clerk demonstrated the highest probity in processing applications.
16. The probation officer acted with probity and compassion.
17. Her probity and devotion to public service were evident in everything she did.
18. He handled the matter with the utmost probity and ethical consideration.
19. The investigator's probity led to the uncovering of widespread corruption.
20. The lawyer's probity and ethical conduct won him many loyal clients.
21. The records clerk demonstrated the highest probity in maintaining accurate files.
22. The scientist's probity and meticulous experimental methods led to groundbreaking discoveries.
23. The politician's probity had long been in question before the evidence emerged.
24. Her probity and honesty set a shining example for others to follow.
25. The umpire demonstrated the highest probity and impartiality in officiating the match.
26. The researcher acted with the utmost probity and integrity throughout the study.
27. His probity and moral rectitude were evident in everything he did.
28. The witness's probity and credibility were called into question during cross-examination.
29. The pharmacist handled the drugs with the utmost probity and in adherence to strict regulations.
30. The physician's probity and commitment to ethical practice never wavered.
31. The priest handled church funds with the utmost probity and transparency.
32. The diplomat acted with probity and impartiality to resolve the conflict.
33. The engineer demonstrated the highest probity and ethical conduct throughout her career.
34. The expert's probity and moral rigour give weight to his testimony.
35. The FBI agent demonstrated the highest probity and devotion to truth throughout his investigations.
36. The teacher acted with probity and moral integrity at all times.
37. The surgeon demonstrated the highest probity and ethical practice in operating on patients.
38. The accountant handled client funds with the utmost probity and transparency.
39. The banker acted with the utmost probity and integrity when dealing with customer accounts.
40. The archivist demonstrated the highest probity in cataloguing and preserving historical documents.
41. The banker's probity came under scrutiny after multiple suspicious financial transactions.
42. The official's probity was called into question when evidence of conflicts of interest emerged.
43. The soldier demonstrated the highest probity and ethical conduct throughout his military service.
44. The whistleblower's probity led her to expose widespread wrongdoing at the company.
45. The volunteer demonstrated the highest probity in managing donations and charitable funds.
46. The policeman's probity and devotion to truth and justice were never in doubt.
47. The curator demonstrated the highest probity in conserving precious artworks and artifacts.
48. The coroner handled inquests with the utmost probity and impartiality.
49. The coach demonstrated the highest probity and moral leadership in training young athletes.
50. The detective demonstrated the highest probity and devotion to upholding the law.

Common Phases

unsullied probity: moral integrity that is untainted and free from corruption or fraud
probity of character: moral integrity and uprightness of character
man of probity: a man of high moral integrity and honesty
woman of probity: a woman of high moral integrity and honesty
unquestionable probity: moral integrity that is beyond doubt or reproach
probity and forthrightness: moral integrity and honesty
beyond reproach in probity: of such high moral integrity as to be above criticism

known for probity: having established a reputation for high moral integrity
probity and impartiality: moral integrity and freedom from bias
probity and transparency: moral integrity and openness regarding one's actions
exemplary probity: moral integrity worthy of example and imitation
unblemished probity: moral integrity without any fault or stain
Models of probity: examples of high moral integrity for others to emulate
impeccable probity: moral integrity that is absolutely free from fault
well-known for their probity: famoust for having high moral integrity
probity and rectitude of character: moral integrity and uprightness of character

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