Professedly example sentences
Related (5): allegedly, purportedly, supposedly, ostensibly, apparently
"Professedly" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The company professedly values honesty, but their actions say otherwise.
2. She is a professed advocate of women's rights.
3. He calls himself a professed libertarian, but he supports large government programs.
4. The politician professedly championed equal rights for all, yet ignored issues important to minorities.
5. The organization claimed to be professedly nonprofit, but there were allegations of embezzlement.
6. The author professedly wrote the book to educate readers, but it seemed more like an attempt to push an agenda.
7. The professedly peaceful rally soon turned violent.
8. The club was professedly nonpartisan, but its members skewed strongly toward one political party.
9. The religion professedly preaches peace, yet its adherents engage in violence.
10. The scientist professedly conducted the research with an open mind, though most saw an obvious bias in the results.
11. The celebrity professedly supported the cause, but declined to make any financial contribution.
12. Though the government professedly prioritized reducing poverty, little was done to actually help the disadvantaged.
13. The professedly inclusive group was criticized for lacking diversity.
14. The charitable foundation professedly sought to empower the underprivileged but was accused of wasting most of its funds on administration.
15. Critics charged that the professedly unbiased report was skewed to favor one side.
16. The group's professedly modest goals belied their ambitious agenda.
17. The professedly pious preacher was later revealed to have been involved in multiple scandals.
18. While professedly committed to transparency, the administration refused to release key documents.
19. The magazine professedly eschewed bias, yet its positions often aligned with a specific political viewpoint.
20. Though professedly colorblind in its hiring practices, the company faced allegations of systemic racism.
21. Their professedly sober lifestyle clashed with evidence of profligate spending.
22. The senator, though professedly moderate, tended to vote along strict party lines.
23. The professedly avant-garde artwork left most viewers cold.
24. The policy, professedly aimed at improving school safety, was condemned for overreach and infringing civil liberties.
25. The brand professedly espoused ethical values but was still mired in controversy due to labor practices.
26. The college viewed itself as professedly need-blind but steep costs precluded many low-income applicants.
27. The professedly free play area contained numerous design elements that restricted child agency.
28. The professedly merit-based award selection faced accusations of favoritism.
29. The government's professedly green policies did little to curb pollution.
30. The professedly apolitical news outlet was viewed by critics as having a conservative slant.
31. While professedly promoting critical thinking, the school's curriculum emphasized rote memorization and obedience.
32. The professedly innocent remark carried undertones of prejudice.
33. The professedly unbiased report was viewed by many as skewed.
34. While professedly progressive on social issues, the company ignored discrimination within its own workplace.
35. The professedly clandestine organization's activities were an open secret.
36. While professedly espousing freedom and justice for all, the movement excluded certain marginalized groups.
37. The professedly definitive study contained numerous flaws and omissions.
38. The professedly nonpartisan policy favored one group over others.
39. The drug, professedly designed to cure cancer, ended up causing severe side effects in many patients.
40. The professedly 'hands-off' approach belied the government's subtle but powerful influence over the industry.
41. The recipe professedly called for only fresh ingredients but contained several artificial flavors.
42. Her professedly impartial analysis belied a personal bias.
43. The group's professedly grassroots origins were revealed to be an elaborate marketing ploy.
44. The advertisement professedly showed real customers, though they were actually paid actors.
45. The clinic professedly offered low-cost medical care but turned away many unable to pay high fees.
46. Their professedly innocent reasons concealed ulterior motives.
47. While professedly protecting the sanctity of marriage, the law actively discriminated against same-sex couples.
48. The movement's professedly pacifist aims belied the violent rhetoric of its leaders.
49. The professedly democratic organization was actually run in an authoritarian manner.
50. The company's professedly generous paid leave policy contained numerous stipulations and exceptions.
51. The politician's professedly populist message masked an elitist agenda.
52. The professedly revolutionary idea proved too conservative to effect real change.
53. The supposedly scientific study's professedly objective methods soon came under fire for bias.
54. The fantasy novel, professedly set in an imaginary world, bore striking resemblance to real historical events.
55. The professedly unbiased judge tended to favor one side over the other.
56. The gym, professedly focused on fitness and health, spent more marketing on appearance.
57. The article's professedly impartial tone belied its misrepresentations of facts.
58. Though political candidates professedly seek 'the will of the people,' gerrymandering often biases election outcomes.
59. While professedly tolerant, her statements revealed ingrained prejudice.
60. The hotel, professedly four-star, fell far short of expected standards.