Prosaic example sentences

Related (10): ordinary, mundane, uninteresting, everyday, pedestrian, dull, commonplace, routine, uninspiring, bland

"Prosaic" Example Sentences

1. His poetry was full of fanciful images and metaphors rather than prosaic realism.
2. The novel offered an insightful and lyrical take on life, avoiding the prosaic.
3. Her prose had a poetic quality that avoided being merely prosaic.
4. Despite the prosaic topic, he brought it to life with his vivid descriptions.
5. His writing tended towards the prosaic rather than the poetic.
6. The novel's prosaic and unimaginative style failed to engage readers.
7. She tried to add metaphors and imagery to make her writing less prosaic.
8. The poet avoided prosaic descriptions in favor of evocative language.
9. The account of events was rather prosaic and lacked imaginative insight.
10. The guidebook provided a prosaic but accurate account of the city's sights.
11. His everyday conversations tended to be rather prosaic and mundane.
12. The article offered a prosaic summary of the facts without much analysis.
13. Despite the prosaic subject matter, she infused her writing with wit and charm.
14. His comments were often rather prosaic and lacked any creative insight.
15. The movie lacked the visual poetry and grandeur of earlier films, opting for a more prosaic style.
16. She avoided prosaic and ordinary speech in favor of lyrical metaphors.
17. The author attempted to breathe life into the prosaic subject with an entertaining style.
18. He brought a poetic sensibility to prosaic matters.
19. Her paintings depicted prosaic scenes in an otherworldly way.
20. The blog offered a rather prosaic and lackluster account of everyday life.
21. His prosaic comments about politics lacked any wit or flair.
22. The biography gave a straightforward and prosaic account of his life.
23. The documentary relied too much on prosaic commentary that lacked insight.
24. His speech avoided prosaic terms in favor of poetic phrases.
25. The prosaic news story failed to capture readers' imaginations.
26. Her comments on social media tended to be rather prosaic and mundane.
27. The architect aimed to avoid the prosaic and create a visionary design.
28. The philosopher expressed profound truths in rather prosaic language.
29. His speech avoided prosaic language in favor of metaphor and allegory.
30. Despite its prosaic title, the lecture proved thought-provoking and inspiring.
31. The commentary focused too much on prosaic details rather than bigger themes.
32. The textbook provided a straightforward and prosaic explanation of the topics.
33. The poem avoided prosaic and clichéd language in favor of fresh metaphor.
34. His speech avoided prosaic details and appealed to broader ideals.
35. The road trip offered a prosaic but fascinating glimpse into American life.
36. Her account of the experience was rather prosaic and lacked imagination.
37. The movie avoided the prosaic and clichéd in favor of an imaginative plot.
38. The blog post provided a rather prosaic and uninspired account of her day.
39. The article gave a straightforward and prosaic summary of events.
40. The lecture offered a rather prosaic and unimaginative account of history.
41. The philosopher brought profound truths to life through his lyrical rather than prosaic style.
42. The story used prosaic details to build an imaginative and metaphorical world.
43. She avoided prosaic language in favor of evocative and poetic phrases.
44. The research chronicled in a straightforward and somewhat prosaic manner.
45. His everyday vocabulary tended towards the mundane rather than the prosaic.
46. The article provided a factual but somewhat prosaic account of current events.
47. The play avoided prosaic realism in favor of surreal metaphor and allegory.
48. The report gave a blunt and prosaic description of the facts without much analysis.
49. The writer employed prosaic language to describe fantastical scenes.
50. His everyday conversations tended to be rather prosaic and mundane in nature.
51. Her metaphorical phrasing avoided the prosaic and created vivid images in the mind.
52. His writing avoided prosaic clichés and stale phrases in favor of fresh metaphors.
53. The biography offered a straightforward and prosaic account of the famous poet's life.
54. The screenwriter avoided prosaic dialogue and created poetic and memorable lines.
55. His painting depicted prosaic subjects in fantastical and imaginative ways.
56. The report consisted of dry factual details and lacked any prosaic insights.
57. Her straightforward phrasing avoided being merely prosaic through wit and humor.
58. The writing used poetic phrases to imbue prosaic subjects with meaning.
59. The memoir provided a thoughtful and insightful take on everyday rather than prosaic events.
60. The prosaic news story failed to engage readers on any emotional or imaginative level.

Common Phases

1. Her descriptions of the countryside were rather prosaic, lacking any sense of wonder or beauty.
2. The film lacked visual flair and came off as bland and prosaic.
3. His prose style is intense and poetic, lifting his ideas above the more prosaic norm.
4. Their everyday life was ordinary and prosaic, hardly noteworthy of a lengthy story.
5. After a while the excitement died down and they settled into a more prosaic routine.
6. The poet's verses are vivid and moving, and her prose can seem prosaic by comparison.
7. Compared to the fireworks, the parade seemed rather prosaic and mundane.
8. Her life had become routine and prosaic since she retired.
9. The concept seems grand at first but once explained becomes rather prosaic and ordinary.
10. Their first year of marriage was blissful, but over time gave way to a more prosaic daily grind.
11. After the euphoria of the initial discovery, the scientific process became prosaic and methodical.
12. As a child, every day seemed like an adventure; now as an adult, life had become prosaic and tedious.
13. The dramatic storyline was let down by the prosaic and wooden dialog.
14. His prosaic approach to teaching lacked inspiration and verve.
15. Her prose could be prosaic at times but came alive with colorful metaphors and imagery.
16. The theories sound lofty and profound, but try to implement them and they become rather prosaic and commonplace.
17. The prosaic details of everyday chores took the place of more grand adventures in her mind.
18. After the initial optimism, the project soon became bogged down in the prosaic details of implementation.
19. The fantasy elements made the story come alive, elevating it beyond the more prosaic mundane tale.
20. His songs are deeply personal and poetic, while his conversation could seem more prosaic and mundane.
21. While the concept seems profound, describing it in prose quickly exposed its rather prosaic nature.
22. The minister's sermons were dry and prosaic, lacking any sense of inspiration or insight.
23. The proposal sounded grand and ambitious but in practice proved rather prosaic and unremarkable.
24. After the glamour had faded, the actress found herself facing a more prosaic life of auditions and rejections.
25. Their first date was romantic and dazzling, but subsequent dates felt more prosaic and mundane.
26. Her verse tilted at poetic wisdom while her prose seemed comparatively prosaic and flat.
27. The short story began promisingly but descended into prosaic realism.
28. The statistics rendered the human costs in an impersonal and prosaic manner.
29. His early poems were lush and evocative but later works became more prosaic and rhythmic.
30. The political speech sounded profound but read as rather prosaic and trite.
31. His tales of adventure seemed somewhat prosaic compared to her own lively accounts.
32. Though the concept seems deep, it quickly becomes rather prosaic and mundane upon examination.
33. The romance novels relied on cliched plots and prosaic descriptions.
34. The coach's motivational speeches soon took on a prosaic and trite quality that lost their resonance.
35. After the excitement of starting a new venture, the day to day realities soon became prosaic and tedious.
36. Their sensual verse elevated everyday experiences beyond the more prosaic mundane realm.
37. Despite the dramatic buildup, the climax came across as rather prosaic and ordinary.
38. His theories espoused deep philosophical ideas, but the actual practice proved somewhat prosaic and mundane.
39. After the first sparks of romance, their relationship settled into the more prosaic patterns of domesticity.
40. Her painting lacked the visual flair to elevate the subject matter beyond a more prosaic rendering.
41. After the initial euphoria, relationships settle into a more prosaic daily rhythm.
42. Her poems were vivid and imaginative, while her prose style seemed comparatively prosaic and flat.
43. The subject matter lent itself better to an impressionistic painting rather than a more prosaic realistic depiction.
44. Their early spark of romance turned into the more prosaic realities of a long-term relationship.
45. The fresh ideas quickly gave way to the more prosaic necessities of common sense and practicality.
46. After retirement, daily life took on a more prosaic and mundane quality.
47. Her stories of life on the farm offered a down-to-earth and somewhat prosaic view of country living.
48. His descriptions of the everyday hustle and bustle were rather prosaic and failed to evoke any sense of wonder.
49. The advertisement's slogans were grandiose but the prosaic reality of the product failed to live up to them.
50. Despite the vivid metaphors, the speech ultimately came across as prosaic and cliched.
51. The plot twist elevated the story above its initially rather prosaic beginnings.
52. The theoretical discussions sounded profound, but implementing them in reality proved rather prosaic and commonplace.
53. While his ideas were ambitious, their prosaic execution left much to be desired.
54. After the initial excitement, long term projects typically settle into more prosaic routines.
55. His words espoused deep philosophical ideas but ultimately came across as rather prosaic and trite.
56. Many complex ideas can be reduced to rather prosaic core principles upon reflection.
57. In practice, his philosophies proved to be little more than rather prosaic common sense.
58. Her fantasies of adventure and romance were soon replaced by the more prosaic realities of daily life.
59. The mundane details of everyday life threaten to overwhelm more profound and poetical conceptions.
60. The prosaic realities of daily life soon took the place of his lofty philosophical musings.

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