Prosperingly example sentences

Related (5): growth, thriving, flourishing, succeeding, advancing.

"Prosperingly" Example Sentences

1. The business was prosperingly expanding.
2. Our relationship has been prosperingly progressing.
3. The economy is prosperingly stabilizing.
4. The stock market is prosperingly performing.
5. The company is prosperingly achieving its goals.
6. Our savings account is prosperingly growing.
7. The restaurant is prosperingly attracting customers.
8. The real estate market is prosperingly booming.
9. Our investment portfolio is prosperingly diversifying.
10. The art gallery is prosperingly selling its pieces.
11. The music industry is prosperingly evolving.
12. The tourism industry is prosperingly thriving.
13. The freelance writer is prosperingly landing gigs.
14. The small business is prosperingly churning out products.
15. The technology sector is prosperingly innovating.
16. The renewable energy market is prosperingly expanding.
17. The educational institution is prosperingly educating its students.
18. The healthcare industry is prosperingly improving its services.
19. The fashion industry is prosperingly setting new trends.
20. The manufacturing industry is prosperingly improving its efficiency.
21. The hospitality industry is prosperingly delivering experiences.
22. The banking industry is prosperingly serving its customers.
23. The sports industry is prosperingly entertaining its fans.
24. The entertainment industry is prosperingly creating new content.
25. The telecommunications industry is prosperingly improving its networks.
26. The automotive industry is prosperingly producing new models.
27. The construction industry is prosperingly completing new projects.
28. The airline industry is prosperingly connecting people to new destinations.
29. The shipping industry is prosperingly transporting goods across the globe.
30. The agriculture industry is prosperingly cultivating crops and livestock.
31. The natural resources market is prosperingly extracting resources sustainably.
32. The insurance industry is prosperingly protecting people and their assets.
33. The legal industry is prosperingly representing clients and seeking justice.
34. The media industry is prosperingly covering news and providing information.
35. The nonprofit sector is prosperingly making a positive impact on society.
36. The military is prosperingly defending the nation and its citizens.
37. The scientific community is prosperingly advancing knowledge and technology.
38. The research sector is prosperingly discovering new breakthroughs.
39. The political arena is prosperingly progressing important policy changes.
40. The social media industry is prosperingly connecting people around the world.

Common Phases

1. Our company is prospering; we have seen an increase in profits prosperingly over the past few years.
2. The real estate market in this area is prospering; new developments are popping up prosperingly all around us.
3. The restaurant industry may be struggling in some parts of the country, but here in our city, it is prospering; new eateries are opening up prosperingly every month.
4. We have been investing in the stock market for several years now; our portfolio has been growing prosperingly month after month.
5. Our community is prospering; new businesses are moving in prosperingly and property values are on the rise.

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