Prototyped example sentences

Related (5): - modeled, fashioned, simulated, constructed, engineered

"Prototyped" Example Sentences

1. We have prototyped several designs and now must decide which one to move forward with.
2. The team was impressed with the prototype that was presented at the meeting.
3. It took us several weeks to properly prototype the new software application.
4. She spent hours tinkering with different components until her prototype was just right.
5. The company is committed to prototyping new products in order to stay competitive.
6. We are looking for someone with experience prototyping mobile apps.
7. The team is excited to see the first prototype of their latest project.
8. He used specialized software to create a detailed prototype of the new system.
9. After several revisions, the final prototype was ready to be presented to the board of directors.
10. We are currently prototyping a new line of eco-friendly housewares.
11. The company hired a product development team specifically to prototype their latest invention.
12. Prototyping is an essential part of the product design process.
13. The design team was able to quickly prototype multiple versions of the new product until they found the one that worked best.
14. I spent the afternoon prototyping a new logo for my business.
15. With the new 3D printing technology, it's easier than ever to prototype new products.
16. The company invested heavily in prototyping the new electric car before bringing it to market.
17. He was convinced that his prototype could revolutionize the way we use energy.
18. The prototype underwent a rigorous testing process to ensure it met safety standards.
19. We worked closely with customers during the prototyping phase to get their feedback on the new product.
20. The prototype failed several tests, but the team was determined to make it work.
21. Our company prides itself on being able to quickly prototype new ideas and bring them to market.
22. With the prototype in hand, we were able to convince investors to back our project.
23. Prototyping allows you to test out multiple ideas before committing to a final product.
24. The team spent months prototyping different versions of the robot before settling on the final design.
25. Our goal is to have a working prototype within the next six months.
26. He spent weeks prototyping a new type of solar panel that would be more efficient than current models.
27. I was impressed with how quickly the team was able to prototype the new website.
28. Prototyping can be a messy process, but it's necessary in order to achieve a successful end product.
29. They prototyped several different materials before settling on the most cost-effective one.
30. The team used virtual prototyping to save time and money during the product development process.
31. Our research and development team is constantly prototyping new ideas to stay ahead of the competition.
32. After several iterations, the prototype was finally ready for consumer testing.
33. He was excited to get his hands on the prototype and see how it performed in the real world.
34. Prototyping the new video game was a long and arduous process, but ultimately worth it.
35. The customer was blown away by the realistic prototype of their new car design.
36. We used prototyping to refine the design of the new medical device until it was ready for FDA approval.
37. The company is committed to prototyping environmentally friendly packaging materials.
38. The prototype was showcased at the product launch event to great fanfare.
39. Before committing to a final design, we always make sure to prototype and test multiple versions.
40. The team spent countless hours prototyping the new AI system, but the end result was worth it.

Common Phases

1. The product was prototyped to test its functionality;
2. He prototyped several designs before settling on the final version;
3. The team prototyped a new feature for the app;
4. The engineer prototyped a new circuit board design;
5. The company prototyped a new line of athletic wear;
6. The architect prototyped a scale model of the building;
7. The artist prototyped several sketches before starting the final painting;
8. The software developer prototyped a new algorithm for data analysis;
9. The designer prototyped a new furniture line using 3D printing.

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