Prowlingly example sentences

Related (10): prowlingly, stealthily, silently, furtively, cautiously, surreptitiously, quietly, sneakily, slinkingly, slyly.

"Prowlingly" Example Sentences

1. The cat moved prowlingly through the bushes.
2. The thief sneaked into the house prowlingly.
3. The wolf howled prowlingly in the dark woods.
4. The lion approached its prey prowlingly.
5. The spy moved around the room prowlingly.
6. The stalker followed his victim's trail prowlingly.
7. The predator circled around its prey prowlingly.
8. The burglar entered the apartment prowlingly.
9. She walked towards him prowlingly, seducing him with her eyes.
10. The shark swam towards the boat prowlingly.
11. The panther stalked its prey prowlingly.
12. He moved across the dance floor towards her prowlingly.
13. The snake slithered through the bushes prowlingly.
14. The air was filled with tension as the prowlingly-paced predator approached.
15. The vampire approached the victim prowlingly, ready to strike.
16. The detective followed the suspect prowlingly, trying to catch him off guard.
17. She watched him prowlingly, waiting for him to make a move.
18. The cheetah raced across the savanna prowlingly, searching for prey.
19. The wrestler circled his opponent prowlingly, waiting for the right moment to attack.
20. The ghostly figure moved through the halls prowlingly, haunting the old mansion.
21. The dragon approached the village prowlingly, ready to breathe fire.
22. The bear lumbered through the forest prowlingly, looking for food.
23. The criminal moved through the city streets prowlingly, looking for an opportunity.
24. The assassin approached his target prowlingly, slowly raising his weapon.
25. The robot moved through the laboratory prowlingly, scanning for any signs of danger.
26. The zombie lurched through the graveyard prowlingly, searching for brains.
27. The serial killer stalked his next victim prowlingly, leaving behind chilling clues.
28. The soldier moved through the battlefield prowlingly, searching for enemies.
29. The alien spaceship approached Earth prowlingly, ready for invasion.
30. The werewolf crept through the forest prowlingly, howling at the full moon.
31. The monster moved through the haunted house prowlingly, scaring visitors.
32. The ninja approached his target prowlingly, ready to strike silently.
33. The gladiator circled around his opponent prowlingly, ready for combat.
34. The demon crawled through the underworld prowlingly, seeking souls to devour.
35. The soldier moved through the jungle prowlingly, searching for the enemy.
36. The cyborg approached the enemy base prowlingly, ready for battle.
37. The space alien moved through the spaceship prowlingly, searching for a way to take over.
38. The monster truck raced across the arena prowlingly, crushing smaller cars.
39. The robot spider moved across the room prowlingly, scaring its human observers.
40. The escaped convict moved through the city streets prowlingly, trying to avoid capture.

Common Phases

1. He walked down the street, looking around prowlingly; his gaze sharp and alert.
2. The cat moved through the yard, prowlingly stalking a bird; its eyes locked onto its prey.
3. The thief crept through the house, prowlingly searching for valuables; his movements calculated and silent.
4. The wolf paced back and forth, prowlingly eyeing the herd of deer; its hunger driving it forward.
5. The detective scanned the crowd, prowlingly searching for the suspect; his instincts guiding him.
6. The shark circled the boat, prowlingly stalking its potential meal; its sleek form moving effortlessly through the water.
7. The vampire sneaked through the village, prowlingly seeking its next victim; its eyes glowing in the darkness.
8. The soldier patrolled the perimeter, prowlingly watching for any signs of danger; his weapon at the ready.
9. The king stalked through the castle, prowlingly searching for any signs of disobedience; his authority unchallenged.

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