Puking example sentences
Related (8): vomiting, barfing, retching, heaving, upchucking, regurgitating, spewing, disgorging
"Puking" Example Sentences
1. The baby was puking all over his clothes.
2. After drinking all that alcohol, I started puking in the toilet.
3. Get me a bucket, I think I'm gonna start puking.
4. The smell of the garbage made me start puking.
5. All that carnival food made my stomach churn and I ended up puking in the trash can.
6. I had food poisoning and was puking all night long.
7. The smell of cigarette smoke made me start puking.
8. The roller coaster ride made me start puking.
9. After riding that boat ride in the blistering heat, I started puking up my lunch.
10. The motion of the ship made me so seasick I started puking over the side.
11. I had to pull over on the side of the road because I was puking so violently.
12. That disgusting cooking made me start puking up my breakfast.
13. I haven't stopped puking since I ate those bad clams.
14. The sight of all that blood made me start puking uncontrollably.
15. I'm so hungover that I can't stop puking.
16. The nausea made me start puking nonstop.
17. The pet store smell made me start puking.
18. I had food poisoning for two days and was constantly puking.
19. I've been puking green gunk since yesterday.
20. The stench of the outhouse made me start puking.
21. After day three of that flu, I was still puking constantly.
22. While running the marathon, I started puking on the side of the road.
23. The nonstop puking left my stomach feeling empty and raw.
24. The thought of that disgusting thing made me start puking.
25. I couldn't stop puking even after there was nothing left in my stomach.
26. I haven't been able to keep any food down, just puking it all back up.
27. All that puking made my throat feel like sandpaper.
28. I haven't been able to leave the bathroom all day because I've been puking so much.
29. After I stopped puking I just cried from exhaustion.
30. The circus clown made the kid start puking.
31. The minute I stood up, I started puking again.
32. The sight and smell of the decaying body made her start puking.
33. I've been puking nonstop for hours, I think I need to go to the hospital.
34. What's with that puking sound coming from the bathroom?
35. I've been puking out everything I've tried to eat for two days now.
36. The puking finally stopped and I was able to drift off to sleep.
37. My head was spinning so bad I thought I'd start puking any minute.
38. I tried breathing through my mouth to keep from puking.
39. The chicken wings I ate last night have me puking my guts out today.
40. You need to sleep this sickness off before you make yourself start puking again.
41. After puking all morning, I finally feel like I have nothing left inside me.
42. The ear piercing scream made her start puking again.
43. I've been puking nonstop since I woke up this morning.
44. The only reason I haven't passed out is because I keep puking.
45. The sight of that rancid meat made her immediately start puking.
46. I'm so nauseous I think I'm going to start puking any second now.
47. My mom held my hair back while I was puking in the toilet.
48. I think you should go to the doctor if you keep puking like this.
49. The cat was puking up hairballs all over the carpet.
50. The kid ran out of class puking all over the floor.
51. I was puking so hard I thought my insides would come out.
52. Take small sips of water to keep from puking again.
53. I came into your room because I heard you puking in the middle of the night.
54. After three days of puking nonstop, I lost 5 pounds.
55. The doctor said I have food poisoning and that the puking will last a few days.
56. The puking sounds coming from the bathroom were disgusting.
57. I haven't felt like eating anything since this puking started two days ago.
58. Take some deep breaths and drink some water to calm your puking stomach.
59. The sight of that disgusting insect made her immediately start puking.
60. The smell of booze on his breath always made her start puking.
Common Phases
puking your guts out - vomiting very forcefully
puking your brains out - vomiting profusely
puking your stomach up - vomiting the contents of one's stomach
non-stop puking - vomiting without interruption
puking your head off - vomiting continuously and excessively
puked my guts out - vomited very forcefully
puked my brains out - vomited profusely
puking my stomach up - vomited the contents of my stomach
started puking - began vomiting
kept puking - continued vomiting
puking like crazy - vomiting excessively
puked all night - vomited through the night
spent all day puking - was vomiting throughout an entire day
still puking - continues to vomit
started puking again - began vomiting once more
made me start puking - caused me to begin vomiting
make yourself start puking - cause yourself to vomit
made her start puking - caused her to begin vomiting
So in summary, common phrases typically involve exaggerating just how much vomiting is occurring through phrases like "guts out", "brains out", "stomach up", "constantly", "nonstop", etc.