Puparium example sentences

Related (3): pupation, metamorphosis, chrysalis

"Puparium" Example Sentences

1. The puparium of the fly appeared to be empty.
2. The puparium of the beetles was carefully collected for research purposes.
3. The puparium of the fruit fly was analyzed under the microscope.
4. The puparium of the tsetse fly was a crucial stage in the development process.
5. The puparium of the mosquito was treated with pesticides to prevent the spread of disease.
6. The puparium of the blowfly was easily identified due to its size and shape.
7. The puparium of the housefly served as a protective casing for the developing pupa.
8. The puparium of the butterfly was a delicate and intricate structure.
9. The puparium of the horsefly was much larger than that of a common fly.
10. The puparium of the flesh fly was dissected to examine the internal organs.
11. The puparium of the fungus gnat was carefully studied by researchers.
12. The puparium of the stable fly was commonly found in horse barns.
13. The puparium of the black soldier fly was used in composting and waste management systems.
14. The puparium of the bot fly was a cause of concern for livestock owners.
15. The puparium of the bluebottle fly was carefully removed for study.
16. The puparium of the midge was a major component of aquatic food chains.
17. The puparium of the fruit piercing moth was found on citrus trees.
18. The puparium of the corn fly was a common sight in agricultural fields.
19. The puparium of the spider fly was used in biological control methods for pests.
20. The puparium of the sand fly was a carrier of leishmaniasis.
21. The puparium of the crane fly provided a valuable food source for birds.
22. The puparium of the fruitworm moth was a significant pest of fruit trees.
23. The puparium of the meadow moth was commonly found in grassy areas.
24. The puparium of the tephritid fly was a major concern for agriculture industries.
25. The puparium of the hoverfly was used as a bioindicator of environmental health.
26. The puparium of the silkworm moth was used in silk production.
27. The puparium of the fruit beetle was commonly found in orchards.
28. The puparium of the sawfly was a major defoliator of trees.
29. The puparium of the fruit fly was monitored to prevent infestations.
30. The puparium of the yellow dung fly was a valuable indicator of pasture quality.

Common Phases

1. The puparium is a protective casing that encloses the developing pupa;
2. After the larval stage, the maggot transforms into a puparium;
3. The puparium is the result of the hardening of the last larval skin;
4. Inside the puparium, the pupa undergoes a metamorphosis;
5. The puparium serves as a barrier against external agents while the pupa develops;
6. When the pupa is fully developed, it breaks through the puparium to become an adult;
7. The external color and texture of the puparium can provide valuable information for species identification.

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