Purposeless example sentences

Related (10): meaningless, aimless, futile, senseless, pointless, directionless, useless, meaningless, unproductive, fruitless.



purposeless (adjective)

  - done or made with no discernible point or purpose:

  - having no aim or plan:


futile, pointless, motiveless, worthless, meaningless, valueless, useless, senseless, hollow, barren, unsatisfactory, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, trivial, trifling, nugatory, worthwhile, Legal

"Purposeless" Example Sentences

1. His purposeless wanderings led him nowhere.
2. The purposeless violence shocked the community.
3. Her purposeless life lacked meaning and direction.
4. Their purposeless arguments achieved nothing of value.
5. Stop engaging in purposeless debates.
6. Avoid purposeless distractions that waste your time.
7. Her purposeless wishes remained unfulfilled.
8. His purposeless desire for more money had no end.
9. There was purposeless destruction of property during the riot.
10. The purposeless abundance led her to feel empty inside.
11. The purposeless rumors only spread confusion.
12. Her purposeless attempts at reconciliation were in vain.
13. The project was abandoned after months of purposeless delays.
14. Their purposeless fights left them both feeling petty and small.
15. The purposeless journey finally came to an end.
16. There was purposeless loss of life in the incident.
17. The purposeless harshness came from a place of pain.
18. His purposeless life had come to a standstill.
19. The purposeless opinions only spread conflict.
20. Her purposeless ranting achieved nothing positive.
21. His purposeless ramblings confused rather than clarified.
22. Her purposeless grievances drained her energy.
23. She endured years of purposeless suffering due to his neglect.
24. Their purposeless bickering accomplished nothing of value.
25. Stop chasing purposeless dreams that only lead to disappointment.
26. The purposeless gossip only caused trouble.
27. His purposeless rage consumed him.
28. His purposelessCOMMENTS only bred MORE purposelessCOMMENTS.
29. Her purposeless longings brought her no peace.
30. The purposeless mission soon fell apart.
31. There was purposeless waste of natural resources.
32. Her purposeless accusations only damaged their relationship further.
33. Strip away all purposeless layers of complication.
34. The purposeless chapter in their history was finally over.
35. She avoided purposeless perfectionism that prevented her from living.
36. The purposeless noise did nothing but distract and annoy.
37. The purposeless cycle finally came to an end.
38. Needless bureaucracy breeds purposeless inefficiency.
39. Her purposeless censure achieved nothing positive.
40. Her purposeless threats were ignored.
41. His purposeless complaints filled the air.
42. The purposeless journey led nowhere worthwhile.
43. Her purposeless objections only stalled progress.
44. There was purposeless loss of life on both sides of the conflict.
45. The purposeless bias impeded fair judgment.
46. The purposeless project quickly fell apart.
47. His purposeless misery arose from unrealistic expectations.
48. His purposeless revenge achieved nothing worthwhile.
49. Their purposeless struggle had no clear goal in sight.
50. Her purposeless longing brought her no peace.

Common Phases

1. He wandered the streets in a purposeless daze.
2. The hours ticked by in a purposeless haze.
3. Their purposeless lives were filled with boredom and ennui.
4. There seemed to be no purpose or aim for his purposeless existence.
5. After he lost his job, he drifted into a purposeless routine.
6. The dog chased its tail in purposeless circles.
7. Her fingers tapped an aimless, purposeless rhythm on the table.
8. His death seemed so sudden and purposeless.
9. Their purposeless meanderings took them nowhere.
10. His thoughts wandered in a purposeless fog.
11. She roamed the house in a purposeless stupor.
12. Their aimless debates reached no conclusions, just purposeless arguments.
13. Their purposeless bickering served no purpose but to annoy.
14. He didn't know why he still lived in this now purposeless body.
15. They spent hours engaged in purposeless chatter.
16. Much of our lives is filled with purposeless activity.
17. The ship drifted aimlessly across the endless sea in a purposeless voyage.
18. The bike continued its slow, purposeless journey along the sidewalk.
19. The junk piled up in the garage in purposeless heaps.
20. Her hands made purposeless gestures as she spoke.
21. The caged bird made purposeless flights around its cage.
22. She circled the room in a purposeless pacing.
23. Their money brought them little joy, instead fueling their purposeless lifestyles.
24. Her actions were carried out in a purposeless fashion.
25. The team fumbled the ball in a series of purposeless mistakes.
26. They rambled on in purposeless conversation for hours.
27. Why engage in purposeless activity that achieves nothing?
28. The team played an uninspired, purposeless game.
29. Their lives spun round in purposeless, pleasure-seeking circles.
30. His mind dwelled upon purposeless memories of the past.
31. The search for purposeless entertainment occupied most of their time.
32. His life seemed to have lost all meaning and become purposeless.
33. The hours crawled by in a purposeless haze.
34. Her doodles formed a purposeless pattern on the page.
35. Her fingers tapped a purposeless rhythm on the desk.
36. Their lives appeared to be aimless and purposeless.
37. His footsteps echoed a purposeless path along the corridor.
38. The car drove in purposeless circles around the parking lot.
39. The committee meetings reached only purposeless compromises.
40. The debate descended into a purposeless shouting match.
41. His pointless activities revealed the purposeless nature of his life.
42. The player scored another purposeless goal in the rout.
43. The troops marched in purposeless circles on the parade ground.
44. Their discussion led nowhere, just circling purposelessly.
45. The showground was littered after the purposeless chaos.
46. His purposeless musings annoyed his colleagues.
47. Their purposeless chatter wasted another afternoon.
48. His fingers tapped a purposeless rhythm on the desk.
49. Their lives consisted solely of purposeless pleasures.
50. The monotonous work fueled her sense of purposeless drudgery.
51. Their purposeless remarks just created more tension.
52. Her doodles formed a purposeless scribble on the notepad.
53. The sputtering engine drove the car in purposeless circles.
54. Their endless arguments reached no conclusions, just purposeless conflict.
55. The protest descended into purposeless violence.
56. His purposeless comments only served to annoy.
57. Her feet twitched in a purposeless dance.
58. The soldiers marched in purposeless columns around the parade ground.
59. Their discussion descended into purposeless bickering.
60. Her purposeless activities kept her amused but fulfilled no real purpose.

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