Puss example sentences

Related (5): cat, feline, kitty, pussycat, tomcat


noun informal

puss (noun) · pusses (plural noun)

  - an affectionate term for a cat:

  - a playful or coquettish girl or young woman:



puss (noun) · pusses (plural noun)

  - a person's face or mouth:


feline, pussycat, pussy, kitty, kitten, tom, tomcat, tabby, tortoiseshell, calico, mouser, moggie, grimalkin, face, features, physiognomy, profile, expression, look, appearance, aspect, mien, mug, clock, mush, dial, phizog, phiz, coupon, bake, pan, visage, lineaments, front

"Puss" Example Sentences

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Common Phases

1. The cat sat on his knee and purred as he stroked her soft puss.
2. He picked up the black and white kitten, scratching beneath her chin and tickling her soft puss.
3. The puss quickly darted behind the curtains when she heard the strangers enter the house.
4. The little calico puss hungrily ate from her bowl of milk and treats.
5. He turned the corner and saw the ginger puss sprawled out on the porch sunning herself.
6. The long-haired puss followed him around the house meowing for food.
7. The kitten snuggled up against his leg, rubbing her puss against his ankle.
8. The stray puss hid under the porch, too wary to come out even for food.
9. He spread the blankets out on the floor for the little puss to sleep on.
10. The tortoiseshell puss jumped onto his lap the moment he sat down.
11. She sprinkled catnip around the yard to entertain the local pusses.
12. The tabby puss swiped at the feathers she chased around the living room.
13. The tiny puss huddled against her mother, nursing contently.
14. The old puss slept most of the day in her usual spot of sunshine on the kitchen floor.
15. The young puss ate so ravenously she got food all over her whiskers.
16. The excited puss ran circles around him as he prepared her dinner.
17. The neighbor's friendly puss wandered into the backyard yet again.
18. The sleek and flashy puss lived to look beautiful more than anything else.
19. Her tail straight up in the air, the curious puss explored every nook and cranny of the new house.
20. The abandoned puss approached him cautiously, still not quite sure if he was friend or foe.
21. The long-haired puss rubbed up against his pant leg, begging for some attention.
22. That lazy puss spends most of the day napping in the hammock.
23. The nervous puss hid under the bed when the doorbell rang.
24. After playing all afternoon, the drowsy puss curled up in her favorite blanket.
25. His daughter cuddled the soft puss in her arms, cooing softly to her.
26. The naughty puss jumped up on the counter, scattering food all over the floor.
27. The feral puss hissed and spat at anyone who came near her.
28. The fearful puss bolted out of the room at the first sign of company.
29. He put out a saucer of milk for the stray puss that had been roaming his yard.
30. The playful puss tossed her stuffed mouse up in the air and pounced on it.
31. Several curious pusses came in from the cold during the winter storm.
32. The little puss batted at the dangling feather toy he swayed in front of her.
33. The stray puss rubbed up against his leg, begging for some affection.
34. The scared puss bolted under the bed when the thunder crashed outside.
35. The handsome puss strutted around the yard with his tail held high.
36. The white puss followed him around the house, meowing anxiously at the door.
37. Several stray pusses sat outside on the porch, meowing for some food.
38. The half-wild puss kept her distance but would come close when called.
39. The neighbor's old puss who wandered the neighborhood all day came to rest in his backyard.
40. The mischievous puss knocked over the fishbowl and sent water spilling everywhere.
41. The happy puss rolled onto her back, kicking her paws in the air as he rubbed her belly.
42. The blind old puss relied on his owners to care for all her needs.
43. That puss always tears up the couch whenever we leave the house.
44. The puss rubbed up against his legs, purring loudly as he pet her soft head.
45. All the neighborhood pusses came running when they heard the bag of cat food open.
46. The somber puss wandered around the empty house, meowing pitifully.
47. The rescued street puss followed him around the house for weeks, afraid to let him out of her sight.
48. The pampered puss lounged on a velvet cushion by the fireplace.
49. The adventurous puss followed him outside and even into the yard.
50. The persian puss sat haughtily on her throne, looking imperiously at anyone who passed by.
51. The starving puss ate so quickly she got food all over her whiskers.
52. That protective puss hissed and swatted at the dog whenever he came near her kittens.
53. The little gray puss cried anxiously at the door, waiting for her owners to return home.
54. The new kitten bounded after the older puss, trying to play.
55. The stray puss hid under the porch, too wary to accept any food he left out for her.
56. The fierce puss arched her back and hissed threateningly at the stranger.
57. The demanding puss meowed nonstop until he filled her food bowl.
58. The affectionate puss rubbed against his legs, purring loudly in contentment.
59. The loyal puss greeted his owner at the door every time he came home.
60. The anxious puss cried pitifully as her owners prepared to leave the house.

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