Putting example sentences

Related (5): golf, shot, green, ball, hole


place, set, lay, deposit

"Putting" Example Sentences

1. I'm putting away the groceries.
2. The child kept putting his toys away incorrectly.
3. The mechanic is putting new brakes on my car.
4. She enjoys putting puzzles together.
5. He started putting up Christmas lights.
6. Are you putting enough effort into your studies?
7. I started putting together the bookshelf you bought me.
8. The stew is now putting off an unpleasant smell.
9. The cat kept putting its paws on my work.
10. She accused me of putting words in her mouth.
11. I regret putting off doing the assignment.
12. He tried putting on a brave face despite his sadness.
13. The employee kept putting the customer on hold.
14. The girl enjoyed putting makeup on for the first time.
15. Stop putting ideas in his head!
16. I'm not interested in putting money into that risky investment.
17. The teacher kept putting pressure on her students to perform well.
18. I ended up putting in extra hours at work to meet the deadline.
19. She took pleasure in putting others down to make herself feel superior.
20. I was mortified after putting my foot in my mouth.
21. Are you still putting off going to the dentist?
22. The toddler enjoyed putting stickers everywhere.
23. I regret putting my career on hold to raise the children.
24. She succeeded in putting her opponent off his game.
25. Stop putting words into my mouth! I didn't say that.
26. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up after this long day.
27. After hours of frustration, I succeeded in finally putting the crib together.
28. The mother sheep kept putting her lamb close to her for comfort.
29. She regretted putting on so much cologne after the dog started sneezing.
30. The carpenter was putting the finishing touches on the cabinet.
31. The runners crossed the finish line after hours of putting one foot in front of the other.
32. I saw no point in putting myself through that drama again.
33. The committee kept putting off making a final decision.
34. The student succeeded in putting his teacher in a better mood with a small gift.
35. I started putting money aside each month to save for a vacation.
36. He keeps putting his trust in the wrong people.
37. Are you putting enough effort into finding a new job?
38. Stop putting yourself down—you're doing great!
39. The candidates debated, each putting forth their best arguments.
40. They succeeded in putting out the fire before it spread.
41. I resented him for constantly putting me down.
42. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up after this long walk.
43. The prisoner kept putting off confessing his crimes.
44. The kids enjoyed putting on a talent show for their parents.
45. She ended up putting off calling her grandmother for a month.
46. I ended up putting my foot in my mouth again during the interview.
47. Stop putting words in my mouth! I didn't say that.
48. The worker was meticulously putting each toy in its proper place on the shelf.
49. Are you still putting off seeing a doctor about that rash?
50. The children enjoyed putting on costumes and pretending to be superheroes.
51. I succeeded in finally putting the crib together after hours of frustration.
52. The teacher kept putting pressure on her students to study harder.
53. The mechanic was putting the finishing touches on the engine.
54. The child kept putting objects in her mouth despite her mother's warnings.
55. I started putting money aside each month to save for a vacation.
56. The little girl took pleasure in putting stickers and glitter everywhere.
57. The church members succeeded in putting out the small electrical fire before it spread.
58. The employee kept putting the customer on hold for long periods of time.
59. I regret putting off studying for the exam.
60. The contestants put forth their best arguments, each trying to persuade the judges.

Common Phases

1. Put aside - To save for future use
2. Put away - To store something in its proper place
3. Put back - To return something to its original location
4. Put forth - To make an effort or attempt
5. Put off - To delay or postpone
6. Put on - To wear (clothes)
7. Put out - To extinguish (a fire)
8. Put over - To deceive or trick somebody
9. Put pressure on - To compel or force somebody through coercion
10.Put someone down - To criticize or belittle someone
11. Put together - To assemble (something complex)
12. Put up - To suspend or erect (something)
13. Put up with - To tolerate (something unpleasant)
14. Put words in someone's mouth - To misrepresent what someone has said
15. Put your best foot forward - To make your best effort or impression
16. Put your foot in your mouth - To say something inappropriate or offensive
17. Put your money where your mouth is - To back up your words with actions
18. Putting thoughts into someone's head - To influence someone's thinking in a negative way
19. The finishing touches - The final details that complete a piece of work
20. The final touches - The last details applied to something before completion

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