Queen example sentences
Related (7): monarch, ruler, sovereign, empress, regent, matriarch, lady
"Queen" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The queen sat on her throne.
2. The queen's subjects bowed before her.
3. The queen waved to her people from the castle balcony.
4. The young princess will one day become the queen.
5. The queen reigned over the kingdom for 50 years.
6. The chess queen is one of the most powerful pieces.
7. The queen bee is the only fertile female in the hive.
8. The drag queen strutted down the runway.
9. The queen consort supported her husband the king.
10. Elizabeth II is the queen of England.
11. The queen bee rules the hive.
12. The queen played her queen chess piece and checkmated the king.
13. The queen's crown glittered with jewels.
14. The daughters of the queen were titled princesses.
15. Queen Victoria reigned in Britain for over 60 years.
16. The queen enjoyed tea in the palace gardens.
17. All the ants bowed down before the queen ant.
18. The queen received guests in the throne room.
19. The little girl dressed up as a queen for Halloween.
20. The royal queen arrived in a long, ornate carriage.
21. Freddie Mercury was the flamboyant lead singer and queen of Queen.
22. Mary Queen of Scots ruled Scotland from 1460 to 1487.
23. The evil queen plotted to destroy Snow White.
24. The children named their calico cat Queenie.
25. The queen mother attended the royal wedding.
26. Africanized bees swarmed and killed the queen bee.
27. The knights helped to protect and serve the queen.
28. The customers called the bar owner the queen of cocktails.
29. The little girl held a tea party for her dolls and toy animals where she became the queen for a day.
30. The day the queen was crowned was a national holiday.
31. The queen abdicated and her son became the new king.
32. The queen sat upon her throne preening and pleased with herself.
33. A local politician nicknamed her opponent the queen of meanness.
34. The queen regnant ruled the kingdom directly in her own name.
35. The queens in a deck of cards are usually depicted as females of high social standing.
36. The new queen hesitated to exert authority over her subjects.
37. The queen consort held no royal authority but was the wife of the reigning king.
38. The mysterious queen had an air of aloof refinement about her.
39. There will be tears before bedtime when the spoiled child queen does not get her way.
40. The queen was deeply revered and beloved by her subjects.
41. The queen bee's pheromones keep the worker bees in line.
42. The seasoned queen outwitted her opponent in only a few moves.
43. The queen ant devotes her whole life to laying the colony's eggs.
44. The playful kitten slept curled up next to the majestic queen.
45. The mean-spirited witch temporarily transformed the princess into a lowly frog much to the horror of the queen.
46. The glamorous queen complimented the princess on her lovely dress.
47. The queen called for her favorite tiara to be brought forth.
48. The young prince could barely contain himself when introduced to the beautiful queen.
49. The queen gave a compassionate and thoughtful speech meant to inspire and uplift her nation.
50. The queen's handmaidens were always nearby ready to attend to her slightest needs.
51. Cleopatra was a famous queen of Egypt.
52. The queen mother sat smiling benevolently from the royal balcony.
53. The ancient king advised his son to always treat the queen with dignity and respect.
54. The lovely young princess had dreams of one day becoming a wise and benevolent queen.
55. The book about the life of Queen Victoria became a bestseller.
56. The day the new queen was coronated was a magnificent spectacle.
57. All the bumblebees deferred to the authority of the plump queen bee.
58. The devious queen plotted to overthrow the king and take the throne for herself.
59. Paris named their subway metro line Queen Elizabeth after the reigning British queen.
60. The theater group's production of the musical "Evita" featured an actress in the role of queen.