Quells example sentences

Related (16): suppresses, extinguishes, stifles, pacifies, subdues, calms, allays, mitigates, assuages, mollifies, alleviates, dampens, tames, controls, checks, moderates.

"Quells" Example Sentences

1. The sound of the rain quells my anxiety.
2. A cup of tea quells her nervousness.
3. Exercise often quells my restlessness.
4. Music quells the noise in my mind.
5. A good book quells my worries.
6. A hot shower quells her muscle aches.
7. The sedative finally quells his insomnia.
8. Warm milk sometimes quells a child's nightmares.
9. A good laugh quells my frustrations.
10. Meditation often quells my racing thoughts.
11. The sound of the waves quells my agitation.
12. Yoga quells her chronic back pain.
13. Essential oils quells his nausea.
14. The massage temporarily quells her tension headaches.
15. Deep breathing quells my anxiety attacks.
16. The silence of the forest quells my noisy mind.
17. The humming of the refrigerator quells the deafening quiet.
18. His reassuring words temporarily quell my fears.
19. Her presence usually quells my loneliness.
20. The song finally quells the baby's crying.
21. The thunderstorm quells the summer heat.
22. Exercise quells her pent-up energy.
23. Brainstorming new ideas quells his writer's block.
24. The herbal balm quickly quells the child's itchy rash.
25. Smiling quells my impulse to cry.
26. Singing loudly quells her stage fright.
27. A long walk quells his restlessness.
28. A nap temporarily quells my fatigue.
29. Holding his hand quells her anxiety.
30. Journaling often quells my emotional turmoil.
31. Weighted blankets quells the child's anxiety.
32. A hug from Grandma quells her worries.
33. The medication finally quells her stomach upset.
34. Chamomile tea quells his irritation.
35. A satisfying meal quells her ravenous hunger.
36. Her sense of humor quells his melancholy mood.
37. The fan quells the summer heat.
38. Lavender oil quells her insomnia.
39. Watching funny cat videos quells his sadness.
40. The hot soup finally quells her cold symptoms.
41. A warm shower quells his racing thoughts.
42. A stiff drink quells his frustration.
43. Hot coffee quells my desire to nap.
44. His reassuring words finally quell her doubts.
45. Listening to the ocean finally quells my frustration.
46. Sleep finally quells my longing for him.
47. The storm quells the sounds of daily life.
48. Her smile quells his worries.
49. A good cry finally quells my emotional pain.
50. A hug from her mother finally quells the child's tantrum.
51. Noise-canceling headphones quell the office chatter.
52. Her touch quells his anger.
53. The innkeepers' kindness quells our travel fatigue.
54. Taking a break quells my procrastination.
55. The power goes out, quelling the summer heat.
56. The sheriff's tough actions quelled the riot.
57. Her stern words quickly quelled the children's arguing.
58. The powerful medicine finally quelled his nausea.
59. The teacher's firm tone quelled the classroom chaos.
60. The storm quelled the flames of the forest fire.

Common Phases

1. His soothing voice quells her anxiety.
2. The medicine quells the cough.
3. Exercise quells my restlessness.
4. A cup of tea quells my nerves.
5. A kind word quells her fears.
6. Her firm reprimand quells the children's fighting.
7. The stern warning quells the students' disruptive behavior.
8. The officer's harsh threats quells the riot.
9. The noise-canceling headphones quells the distracting background noise.
10. The sedative quells her nausea.
11. Her smile quells his anger.
12. His reassuring presence quells their worry.
13. The relaxing music quells my stress.
14. Logic and reason quells the irrational fear.
15. The punisher quells rebellion with an iron fist.
16. The judge's firm sentence quells the criminal activity.
17. His threat of violence quells the insurrection.
18. The stern lecture quells my impulses.
19. The hot soup quells my hunger.
20. A heavy blanket quells the chill.
21. The rainstorm quells the summer heat.
22. A cool breeze quells the fire.
23. The wave quells against the shore.
24. The general's speech quells rumors of defeat.
25. The government's reassurance quells fears of economic collapse.
26. The teacher's explanation quells misunderstandings.
27. The president's promise quells dissent.
28. The official's apology quells outrage.
29. His decisive action quells chaos.
30. The governor's order quells unrest.
31. The sedative quells her agitation.
32. The teacher's calm demeanor quells the class's restlessness.
33. The weighted blanket quells her hyperactivity.
34. Deep breathing quells my panic attack.
35. The tranquilizer quells the dog's anxiety.
36. Soft music quells her crying infant.
37. A mother's hug quells her child's fears.
38. The sedative quells his seizure activity.
39. Physical exhaustion quells my racing thoughts.
40. Rain falling on the roof quells my insomnia.
41. A good book quells my loneliness.
42. Faith in a higher power quells existential dread.
43. The prosecutor's aggressive case quells rumors of innocence.
44. The battalion's arrival quells rebel activity.
45. The dictator's iron fist quells all dissent.
46. The harsh policy quells unlawful behavior.
47. The bully's intimidation tactics quells resistance.
48. Exercising authority quells insubordination.
49. Persuasive rhetoric quells public outcry.
50. A show of military strength quells international tensions.
51. The teacher's stern gaze quells the student's giggling.
52. The coach's curt remark quells the team's celebrations.
53. Public apology quells scandal.
54. The judge's stern reprimand quells the rowdiness in her courtroom.
55. The windstorm quells the fires along the countryside.
56. Actions speak louder than words and quell doubts.
57. The threat of punishment effectively quells misbehavior.
58. His firm words quell my doubts.
59. Her gentle touch quells my anxiety.
60. Practicing mindfulness quells my racing thoughts.

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