Questionary example sentences

Related (9): survey, questionnaire, inquiry, poll, form, quiz, assessment, interview, feedback


noun medicine

questionary (noun) · questionaries (plural noun)

  - a questionnaire.

"Questionary" Example Sentences

1. Our committee designed an extensive questionary to gain feedback from the community.
2. The survey included a comprehensive questionary about consumer preferences.
3. The customer service representative handed me a questionary to fill out.
4. The teacher assigned a questionary for homework to assess students' understanding of the material.
5. The job application included a questionary to evaluate the candidate's qualifications.
6. I found it frustrating that the questionary was not available in my native language.
7. The doctor asked me to fill out a detailed questionary about my medical history.
8. The market research team conducted a questionary to gather data on consumer behavior.
9. The questionnaire had a questionary on demographics, such as age and gender.
10. The company used a questionary as part of their employee performance review process.
11. The trainer distributed a questionary for attendees to provide feedback on the training session.
12. The school board sent out a questionary to parents to collect input on school policies.
13. The health clinic required patients to complete a questionary before their appointment.
14. The online store had a questionary to help customers find the right product for their needs.
15. The airport security checkpoint had a questionary to screen travelers for potential security issues.
16. The insurance company sent me a questionary to complete before providing a quote.
17. The charity organization conducted a questionary to determine the needs of the community.
18. The online course included a questionary to test the student's knowledge at the end of each module.
19. The HR department used a questionary to conduct a 360-degree feedback evaluation of managers.
20. The hotel front desk gave us a questionary to rate our experience during our stay.
21. The immigration office required applicants to fill out a questionary to confirm their eligibility for a visa.
22. The nutritionist created a questionary to evaluate the client's dietary habits.
23. The political campaign sent out a questionary to gauge voter opinions on key issues.
24. The web developer included a questionary to gather user feedback on the website's design.
25. The research study involved participants completing a questionary before and after the experiment.
26. The car dealership sent a questionary to customers after a service appointment to measure satisfaction.
27. The airline had a questionary to collect passenger feedback on their flight experience.
28. The nonprofit organization asked volunteers to fill out a questionary to evaluate their skills and interests.
29. The law firm used a questionary to assess the likelihood of winning a case before accepting it.
30. The sports team handed out a questionary to fans to gather suggestions for improving the game day experience.

Common Phases

you have a questionary for me to fill out?; Can you send me the questionary via email?; How many questions are on the questionary?; Have you received many responses to the questionary yet?; Is the questionary mandatory for everyone to complete?; What is the deadline for submitting the questionary?; Will the answers from the questionary be kept anonymous?; Have you had any issues with the questionary format?; Can you provide any additional information about the questionary?

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