Quicksandlike example sentences

Related (8): mires, bogs, swamps, marshes, morasses, sloughs, moors, quagmires.

"Quicksandlike" Example Sentences

1. The muddy swamp felt quicksandlike underfoot.
2. The quicksandlike sediment trapped the boat.
3. The quicksandlike sensation pulled her deeper into the mud.
4. The quicksandlike properties of the soil made it impossible to walk through.
5. The quicksandlike consistency of the clay slowed their journey.
6. The quicksandlike suction made it difficult to escape.
7. The quicksandlike texture of the sand was alarming.
8. The quicksandlike mud threatened to suck the car under.
9. The quicksandlike dirt road made driving treacherous.
10. The quicksandlike quality of the ground made it hard to stand still.
11. The quicksandlike terrain made progress slow and difficult.
12. The quicksandlike gravel swallowed the tires of the bike.
13. The quicksandlike bog claimed the lives of many travelers.
14. The quicksandlike conditions made it impossible to traverse the field.
15. The quicksandlike substance made the surface unstable.
16. The quicksandlike consistency of the snow made walking difficult.
17. The quicksandlike properties of the ground made it hard to keep the tent from sinking.
18. The quicksandlike sensation in his stomach told him something was wrong.
19. The quicksandlike grip of the clay held onto his boots.
20. The quicksandlike nature of the mud made it impossible to climb out.
21. The quicksandlike consistency of the sand slowed their progress.
22. The quicksandlike force of the ocean waves pulled him under.
23. The quicksandlike feeling of sinking into the mud was terrifying.
24. The quicksandlike properties of the beach sand made it unsafe for swimming.
25. The quicksandlike texture of the soil made it unfertile for farming.
26. The quicksandlike sinkhole in the ground was a danger to the construction workers.
27. The quicksandlike conditions made it hard for the rescue team to save the hiker.
28. The quicksandlike suction made it impossible to pull the stuck car out.
29. The quicksandlike properties of the field made it a hazardous camping spot.
30. The quicksandlike sensation of sinking into hopelessness overwhelmed her.

Common Phases

1. The ground felt quicksandlike beneath my feet; I had to step carefully.
2. The mud was so thick and quicksandlike that we struggled to move; it felt like it was pulling us down.
3. Navigating through the dense quicksandlike sand was a challenge, but we pushed through.
4. The soil in the swamp was quicksandlike, making it difficult to walk without sinking in.
5. The texture of the snow was quicksandlike, making it hard to walk without slipping.
6. My car got stuck in the quicksandlike mud, and it took a tow truck to get it out.
7. The rain had turned the dirt into a quicksandlike mush, making it hard to walk and even harder to drive.
8. The quicksandlike terrain made it impossible for us to take a shortcut to the other side of the forest.
9. The mud was quicksandlike, and it was hard to keep my balance as I tried to cross the field.
10. The marsh was quicksandlike, and we had to tread carefully if we didn't want to get stuck.

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