Ramifyfrench example sentences

Related (4): brancher, diviser, éclater, diverger

"Ramifyfrench" Example Sentences

1. The consequences of your decision will ramify throughout your entire life.
2. The company's decision to expand overseas could ramify into increased competition.
3. The effects of climate change will ramify across the globe, causing immense damage.
4. The spread of the virus will ramify quickly if we don't take immediate action.
5. Your actions can ramify far beyond your own personal sphere of influence.
6. The economic downturn will ramify into every aspect of society if not addressed.
7. Politicians must consider how their policies will ramify among different segments of the population.
8. The debate on immigration reform will ramify within communities across the country.
9. The dispute between the two families will continue to ramify for years to come.
10. The decision to leave the European Union will ramify into all areas of British society.
11. The effects of the war will ramify for generations to come.
12. The scandal has the potential to ramify beyond just one company.
13. The political unrest in the region will ramify into neighboring countries.
14. The ongoing conflict has already begun to ramify into the political landscape.
15. The ecological impact of deforestation will ramify in ways we cannot even imagine.
16. Your words can ramify and affect others in unexpected ways.
17. The changes in immigration policy will ramify into various industries across the country.
18. The education system is not immune to the ramifying effects of poverty.
19. The merger of the two companies will ramify into the job market.
20. The consequences of the new law will ramify into the legal system.
21. The disaster will ramify beyond just the local community.
22. The economic crisis is set to ramify into a global one if not addressed.
23. The political scandal will ramify into the upcoming election.
24. Your decisions can ramify into your personal relationships.
25. The issue of gun violence will continue to ramify into the national conversation.
26. The outdated infrastructure will eventually ramify into widespread disrepair.
27. The mismanagement of resources will ramify into the community's ability to thrive.
28. The crowded living conditions can ramify into public health concerns.
29. The judicial decision will have ramifying effects on future legal cases.
30. The effects of the pandemic will ramify into nearly every aspect of society.

Common Phases

not duplicate previous phrases.
1. Ramifyfrench is a useful tool for learning French;
2. I am trying to ramifyfrench my vocabulary;
3. Ramifyfrench is an interactive and engaging way to learn grammar;
4. With ramifyfrench, I am able to practice my pronunciation;
5. Ramifyfrench has helped me improve my French comprehension skills;
6. I love using ramifyfrench to learn French verbs;
7. Ramifyfrench is a great way to supplement my French classes;
8. I'm so glad I discovered ramifyfrench to enhance my French learning experience.

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