Rampant example sentences

Related (9): wild, uncontrolled, widespread, flourishing, pervasive, epidemic, prevalent, rife, unrestrained

"Rampant" Example Sentences

1. Corruption is rampant in the government.
2. Unemployment remains rampant in the country.
3. Poverty is still rampant in many developing nations.
4. Inflation has been rampant this year.
5. Crime has become rampant in the city.
6. Violence has been rampant in the war-torn region.
7. Discrimination has been rampant against minority groups.
8. Drug abuse is rampant among teenagers.
9. Terrorism has been rampant in recent years.
10. Deforestation is rampant and threatens wildlife.
11. Racism is still rampant in many parts of the world.
12. Illiteracy is rampant in rural areas.
13. Malnutrition is still rampant among children.
14. Prejudice remains rampant despite awareness campaigns.
15. Rumors spread like wildfire and became rampant on social media.
16. There are rampant disagreements between the two political parties.
17. Speculation has been running rampant about the celebrity's secret love affair.
18. Anger and resentment became rampant after the unequal treatment.
19. The fires raged rampantly throughout the dry forests.
20. The wild thorny plants spread rampantly across the field.
21. Rampant favoritism caused resentment among the employees.
22. The unrest has been rampant in the city for days.
23. Population growth has been rampant and unsustainable.
24. Political dissent has been ruthlessly repressed and lies rampant.
25. Inadequate healthcare means preventable diseases are rampant.
26. Hunger is still rampant in many troubled parts of the world.
27. Rumors spread like wildfire and soon became rampant on social media.
28. Superstitions remain rampant despite education efforts.
29. The floods spread rampantly through the valley.
30. The disease has spread rampantly throughout the community.
31. Rampant greed led the company into a spiral of corruption.
32. Sexism remains rampant in the corporate world.
33. Gossip spread rampantly through the school.
34. Disinformation became rampant during the election campaign.
35. Resentment grew rampant after years of unequal treatment.
36. Abuse of power is seen as rampant in the organization.
37. Violence broke out and soon became rampant in the city.
38. Consumerism has become rampant in modern society.
39. The weeds grew rampantly across the garden.
40. Rampant exploitation of workers led to a major strike.
41. Disease spread rampantly through the refugee camps.
42. Rampant speculation drove stock prices to record highs.
43. Rampant inflation has eroded people's savings and incomes.
44. Political apathy seems rampant among young voters.
45. The evil spread like wildfire and became rampant.
46. Her rampant lying had caused major problems in the relationship.
47. Cybercrime has become rampant with the rise of the internet.
48. The fire spread rampantly through the dry grasslands.
49. Dissent has been ruthlessly repressed and lies rampant.
50. Rampant deforestation is threatening wildlife habitats.
51. Xenophobia remains rampant despite diversity awareness efforts.
52. Foolishness ran rampant during the festival celebrations.
53. Rampant consumerism threatens the sustainability of our planet.
54. Widespread anger and resentment has grown rampant after years of unequal treatment.
55. Disinformation has run rampant during the election campaign.
56. The parasite spread rampantly through the host organism.
57. Conspiracy theories spread like wildfire and became rampant on social media.
58. Lies spread rampantly until the truth finally came out.
59. Distrust has grown rampant after years of corrupt leadership.
60. Hate speech has grown rampant on social media platforms.

Common Phases

1. Run rampant - To grow, spread or increase in an uncontrolled and harmful way.
Example: Rumors ran rampant about the celebrity's secret illness.
2. Become rampant - To start occurring frequently and to an excessive degree.
Example: Cyberbullying has become rampant on social media platforms.
3. Spread rampantly- To increase or propagate without restriction or limit.
Example: Misinformation spread rampantly during the covid pandemic.
4. Remain rampant - To continue occurring at high or uncontrolled levels.
Example: Poverty remains rampant in many developing nations.
5. Get rampant - To start happening excessively and beyond control.
Example: Gossip started getting rampant about the celebrity couple.
6. Reign rampant - To occur frequently and widely in an unrestrained manner.
Example: Corruption reigns rampant in the government.
7. Prevail rampant - To continue happening widely in an excessive way.
Example: Racism still prevails rampant in many parts of the world.
8. Grow rampant - To develop and increase without check or restraint.
Example: Criticism grew rampant after the controversial decisions.
9. Run/Reign/Prevail/Grow like wildfire - To spread or increase very quickly and widely.
Example: Rumors ran/reigned/prevailed/grew like wildfire on social media.
10. Reigns supreme - To have complete or total control.
Example: Greed reigns supreme in many corporations.
11. Rampant disregard - A complete lack of regard or consideration.
Example: There was rampant disregard for environmental regulations.
12. With rampant abandon - With complete freedom or lack of restraint.
Example: The rumors spread with rampant abandon on social media.
13. Wage rampantly - To engage in something in an uncontrolled manner.
Example: The fire waged rampantly through the dry forests.
14. Thrive rampantly - To prosper or succeed unrestricted and excessively.
Example: Vicious rumors thrived rampantly in the gossip mills.
15. Run/Spread/Thrive like wildfire - To increase or spread very quickly and easily.
Example: The lies ran/spread/thrived like wildfire through the community.

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