Rampen example sentences
Related (8): disasters, tragedies, calamities, catastrophes, emergencies, crises, mishaps, misfortunes
"Rampen" Example Sentences
1. During the flood, rampen struck the city and caused extensive damage.2. The earthquake was one of the worst rampen to hit the area in years.
3. The rescue team was dispatched to the site of the rampen as quickly as possible.
4. The government has set up a fund to assist those affected by the rampen.
5. Many people lost everything they owned in the rampen.
6. The rampen brought the city to a standstill, with road closures and power outages.
7. The emergency services worked tirelessly to deal with the aftermath of the rampen.
8. The residents of the affected area were advised to evacuate immediately due to the rampen.
9. The authorities have declared a state of emergency in response to the rampen.
10. The rampen caused widespread panic among the population.
11. The airline cancelled all flights due to the rampen.
12. The rampen disrupted public transportation and caused major delays.
13. The school was closed for several days due to the rampen.
14. Many businesses were forced to shut down temporarily as a result of the rampen.
15. The rampen had a significant impact on the local economy.
16. The damage caused by the rampen will take months to repair.
17. The government is providing financial assistance to help those affected by the rampen.
18. The rampen was unforeseen but devastating.
19. The rampen caught the authorities off guard.
20. The rampen was a wake-up call for the city to improve its infrastructure.
21. The rampen resulted in a tragic loss of life.
22. The rampen left many homeless and without food or water.
23. The aftermath of the rampen was chaotic and disorganized.
24. The rampen highlighted the need for better disaster preparedness.
25. The rampen left a lasting impact on the community.
26. The rampen was a reminder of the power of nature.
27. The people affected by the rampen showed great resilience and strength.
28. The media provided extensive coverage of the rampen and its aftermath.
29. The rampen was a turning point in the city's history.
30. The memory of the rampen will stay with the survivors forever.
Common Phases
- Die Rampen sind bereit für den Einsatz; wir können beginnen!- Die Rampen sind noch nicht fertig gestellt; wir brauchen noch etwas Zeit.
- Die Rampen sind zu steil; wir müssen sie flacher machen.
- Die Rampen sind rutschig; wir sollten Sand streuen.
- Die Rampen sind zu eng; wir müssen sie verbreitern.
- Die Rampen sind instabil; wir brauchen mehr Stützen.
- Die Rampen sind zu kurz; wir brauchen längere Elemente.
- Die Rampen sind zu hoch; wir müssen sie niedriger machen.
- Die Rampen sind zu dunkel; wir sollten Beleuchtung installieren.
- Die Rampen sind zu lang; wir müssen sie in Abschnitte teilen.
- Die Rampen sind zu schwer; wir brauchen mehr Leute zum Tragen.
- Die Rampen sind zu weit weg; wir müssen sie näher zur Bühne bringen.
- Die Rampen sind zu teuer; wir müssen eine günstigere Lösung finden.
- Die Rampen sind zu laut; wir sollten Geräuschdämpfer einbauen.
- Die Rampen sind zu steil für Rollstuhlfahrer; wir müssen barrierefreie Rampen bauen.