Randomizes example sentences

Related (6): randomness, randomly, randomized, randomize, randomization, randomizing

"Randomizes" Example Sentences

1. The cards were shuffled randomly before being dealt.
2. The computer program selected names randomly from the list.
3. The test questions were generated randomly by the system.
4. People were assigned seats randomly for the game.
5. The students were split into groups randomly.
6. Names were drawn randomly from a hat to determine the winners.
7. The items were tossed into the box randomly.
8. The interviewer chose participants randomly from those waiting in the lobby.
9. The substitutes entered the game randomly throughout the match.
10. Pages were numbered randomly in the book.
11. Samples were taken randomly from the larger population.
12. Candy was distributed randomly among the children.
13. Jobs were assigned randomly to avoid favoritism.
14. Items fell off the conveyor belt randomly.
15. Lines formed randomly as people arrived.
16. The professor called on students randomly during lecture.
17. The fruit fell from the tree randomly.
18. The wind blew the leaves randomly across the lawn.
19. The birds flew around randomly until they found food.
20. The bouncy ball rolled randomly across the floor.
21. The spilled rice scattered randomly across the kitchen floor.
22. The dust particles floated randomly through the air.
23. Walkers moved randomly through the park.
24. The program generated random numbers.
25. The possibilities were arranged randomly on the board.
26. The sequence was produced randomly by the machine.
27. The objects were positioned randomly on the table.
28. The colors were mixed randomly in the jar.
29. The days of the week were chosen randomly for the conference.
30. The animals wandered randomly through the field.
31. The notes were played randomly on the piano.
32. The thoughts popped into her mind randomly.
33. The board game moved pieces randomly across the board.
34. The desktop icons were arranged randomly.
35. The beads spilled randomly across the floor.
36. The settings adjusted randomly as he fiddled with the dials.
37. The patterns appeared randomly on the fabric.
38. The cities were listed randomly on the map.
39. The tasks were assigned randomly to the workers.
40. The times were chosen randomly for the meetings.
41. The words appeared randomly on the page.
42. The melodies played randomly through his mind.
43. The broken plate scattered randomly across the kitchen floor.
44. The dice fell randomly, yielding unpredictable results.
45. The mice scurried randomly through the warehouse.
46. The addition problems were generated randomly by the program.
47. The trajectory of the ball varied randomly as it bounced.
48. The words spilled from her mouth randomly.
49. The melody played randomly on the mandolin.
50. The puzzle pieces fit together randomly.
51. The pictures were mixed up randomly in the box.
52. The notes floated through the air randomly.
53. The scraps of paper flew around randomly in the fan's breeze.
54. Her thoughts wandered randomly as she stared out the window.
55. The moths flew around randomly, bumping into things.
56. The marbles rolled randomly across the floor.
57. The power went out randomly throughout the day.
58. The feathers fell randomly from the torn pillow.
59. The snowflakes fell randomly, covering everything in white.
60. The dust particles danced randomly in the sunlight.

Common Phases

1. The computer program randomizes the order of the questions.
2. The dealer randomizes the cards before dealing them to the players.
3. The applicant number generator randomizes the order of applicants.
4. The shuffling machine randomizes the cards to ensure a fair mix.
5. The lottery machine randomizes the numbers before selecting the winning combination.
6. The randomizer app randomizes a list of choices.
7. The algorithm randomizes the entries to prevent bias.
8. The spelling test words are randomized so no two students have the same order.
9. The test administration system randomizes test questions for each exam.
10. The randomized list of dorm assignments prevents room preferences.
11. The admission questionnaires are randomized to avoid order effects.
12. The randomized controlled trial helps ensure the most impartial results.
13. The random seed value randomizes the pattern of the computer-generated image.
14. The random number generator randomizes the distribution of numbers.
15. The mixologist randomizes the order of pouring ingredients for each cocktail.
16. The randomized sample selection helps provide an unbiased representation of the population.
17. The randomizer settings randomize the attributes of the procedurally generated objects.
18. The playlist randomizes the songs so there are no favorites played first each time.
19. The flight schedule randomizes departure times to spread out congestion.
20. The randomized prompts prevent memorization of essay questions.
21. The randomized participant assignments controls for order effects.
22. The randomization of stimuli helps eliminate sequential bias.
23. The randomized performance schedule prevents preparation.
24. The randomization protocol randomizes patients into treatment groups.
25. The randomized starting locations randomizes players' advantages.
26. The randomizer randomizes possible outcomes to remove predictability.
27. The randomizing algorithm randomizes the input data to produce uncorrelated output.
28. The randomization distribution randomizes the test statistic under the null hypothesis.
29. The randomizer randomizes possible responses to enhance unpredictability.
30. The random walk algorithm randomizes the next step to avoid repeating the same path.
31. The randomized seeding randomizes the distribution of nodes within a network.
32. The randomizer procedure randomizes treatments to prevent confounding factors.
33. The randomization distribution randomizes the parameters under investigation.
34. The shuffle function randomizes the order of elements in an array.
35. The randomized vocabularies prevent guessing based on word order.
36. The random pairing protocol randomizes participant pairings.
37. The randomized cues prevent learning through repetition.
38. The random seed randomizes the pseudorandom number generator.
39. The random walk matrix randomizes the probability of transitioning between states.
40. The randomizer randomizes possible answers to prevent guessing patterns.
41. The randomized permutation randomizes the rows and columns of a matrix.
42. The random key randomizes the encryption algorithm's output.
43. The random assignment randomizes students into treatment and control groups.
44. The random perturbation randomizes the initial conditions of a system.
45. The randomization randomizes treatment allocation to reduce selection bias.
46. The randomizing permutation randomizes the column ordering of a data frame.
47. The RNG randomizes the numbers generated to avoid predictability.
48. The randomized clinical trial randomizes patients into different treatment groups.
49. The random scrambling randomizes the order of the list.
50. The randomized block design randomizes treatments within blocks.
51. The random number randomizes the weights of a neural network.
52. The random assignment protocol randomizes participants into experimental conditions.
53. The random permutation randomizes the ordering of elements in a set.
54. The randomization technique randomizes individuals into groups.
55. The random forest randomizes features and observations to build trees.
56. The randomizing device randomizes the positions of objects.
57. The random walk randomizes the direction of movement at each step.
58. The randomization equalizes chance across treatments.
59. The random shuffling randomizes the order of playlist songs.
60. The random draw randomizes the items selected from a population.

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