Rank example sentences

Related (16): position, grade, hierarchy, status, classification, order, seniority, rating, standing, level, stature, place, ranking, degree, tier, class

"Rank" Example Sentences

1. The team finished the season ranked number one.
2. Her grades ranked among the top in her class.
3. He holds the rank of colonel in the army.
4. Promotion to the next rank depends on seniority and merit.
5. Her work ranked highest in the competition.
6. The student was ranked first in the standardized test.
7. The detective rose through the police ranks.
8. The two soccer teams were closely ranked.
9. The business had the highest ranked website.
10. The attributes were ranked by importance.
11. The options were ranked in order of preference.
12. The students were ranked alphabetically.
13. The country ranked low on the human development index.
14. The wine was ranked among the best in the world.
15. His composition ranked highest in the contest.
16. The team's ranking fell after the loss.
17. The university was highly ranked on the list.
18. That movie is not ranked among my favorites.
19. The athlete's ranking rose after winning the race.
20. His proposal ranked lowest among those submitted.
21. The restaurant was ranked five stars for cleanliness.
22. His invention ranked among the most influential of its time.
23. The company ranked highest in customer satisfaction.
24. The apartment complex was ranked poorly for security.
25. The car was ranked highly in safety features.
26. The professor held the rank of associate professor.
27. The injured soldiers were ranked in order of need.
28. The options were ranked by their popularity.
29. The institution was highly ranked for research.
30. The books were ranked by sales.
31. The nations were ranked by their economic output.
32. The survey responses were ranked from highest to lowest.
33. The job applicants were ranked according to their qualifications.
34. The team's ranking improved after winning a series of games.
35. The potential mates were ranked on their suitability.
36. Her paper was highly ranked in the peer review process.
37. Proposals were ranked by their feasibility.
38. The students were ranked based on their exam scores.
39. The inventions were ranked by their estimated commercial value.
40. The jobseekers were ranked in order of experience.
41. The courses were ranked by student evaluations.
42. The available resources were ranked by their abundance.
43. The matches were tightly ranked among the top players.
44. The companies were ranked according to various metrics.
45. The applicants were ranked in order of the strengths of their applications.
46. The products were ranked from best to worst.
47. Her work was not highly ranked by her superiors.
48. The songs were ranked by popularity on the charts.
49. The job applicants were ranked based on their interviews.
50. The competitors were ranked after each challenge.
51. The schools were ranked according to various criteria.
52. Her design ranked lowest in creativity.
53. The buildings were ranked by their architectural merits.
54. The dialect ranked highest in difficulty to understand.
55. The cars were ranked by their fuel efficiency.
56. His performance was not highly ranked by the judges.
57. The runners were closely ranked in the final stretch.
58. The applicants were ranked in a pool from which jobs could be filled.
59. The menus were ranked by nutritional value.
60. The hedges were tightly ranked and neatly trimmed.

Common Phases

1. The general finally achieved the rank of colonel.
2. The stench of the rotting garbage ranked so foul it made me gag.
3. The criminal rose through the ranks of the gang to become a high ranking member.
4. His class rank was near the top of his graduating class.
5. He was offended by the snub and decided to bring his grievance to someone of higher rank.
6. The rookie officer still held the lowest rank on the force.
7. The players were ranked based on their skill level.
8. The wines were expertly ranked from best to worst by the experienced sommelier.
9. Boys and girls were separated by rank and ability level in Junior ROTC.
10. My grades fell and so did my class rank.
11. His missing the game caused the team to drop in rank.
12. The perspective recruit hoped his performance would earn him a high rank.
13. The sergeant ordered his men into rank and file formation.
14. The smells coming from the river ranked so pungent that the whole town complained.
15. She ranked the universities in order based on cost, location, and programs offered.
16. She rose quickly through the ranks to become a senior project manager.
17. His skill with checkers allowed him to constantly rank in the top ten players.
18. The new cadets lined up in alphabetical order of their ranks.
19. The hierarchy of the company was based on both seniority and rank.
20. Their wines were highly ranked in Wine Spectator.
21. He hoped his commission would allow him attain the rank of general.
22. The professor ranked the students' papers based on grammar, organization, and content.
23. The cadets walked in perfect unison keeping their steps in time and their ranks straight.
24. Their skills ranked only slightly below the pros.
25. His rank of captain made him the commanding officer.
26. The stench from the sewers ranked so horrible it was hard to breathe.
27. The recruits formed two even ranks across the barracks floor.
28. He rose quickly through the ranks due to his intelligence and tenacity.
29. The athletes were ranked based on their performance times.
30. The recruits stood at attention in parallel ranks.
31. The aroma of the freshly baked bread ranked heavenly to the starving children.
32. The men lined up in neat parallel ranks for inspection.
33. The flowers ranked in beauty from brightest to dullest.
34. His rank allowed him access to information that others could not obtain.
35. His promotion moved him up several ranks.
36. The cadets stood in even ranks facing forward at attention.
37. The out-of-tune instruments created a noise that ranked cacophonous.
38. His rank entitled him to certain privileges.
39. Her grace and form allowed her to rank first in the competition.
40. The enlisted men lined up in ranks based on seniority.
41. The computer compiled a ranking of the top athletes.
42. His high rank afforded him special privileges.
43. The cadets formed ranks quickly and precisely at the command of their sergeant.
44. The smell from the swamp ranked incredibly foul.
45. The judge expertly ranked the competitors based on skill, precision, and grace.
46. She earned the rank of lieutenant through her years of dedicated service.
47. The recruits marched in neat, straight ranks through the barracks.
48. Her inadequacies became evident when she ranked at the bottom of her class for two years in a row.
49. The facilities ranked among the worst in the league.
50. Their research was highly ranked in the prestigious scientific journal.
51. The enlisted men lined up according to rank and grade.
52. His incredible skill allowed him to constantly rank among the top players.
53. The recruits scrambled to form ranks at the drill sergeant's order.
54. His rank entitled him to a seat at the top table.
55. The authors were ranked based on the number of books sold.
56. The more senior the rank, the higher pay the soldier received.
57. The rivers along the industrial corridor ranked among the most polluted in the nation.
58. The cadets bowed their heads in unison keeping their ranks perfectly straight.
59. The workers lined up in rank and file order to receive their assignments.
60. His high class rank earned him entry to the top university of his choice.

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