Rankle example sentences

Related (10): irritate, bother, vex, infuriate, exasperate, perturb, agitate, needle, gall, chafe.

"Rankle" Example Sentences

1. The unfair punishment continues to rankle him years later.
2. The insult rankled her for months after the argument.
3. My father's disapproving comments still rankle me to this day.
4. Her condescending tone continued to rankle him long after their conversation.
5. The memories of her rejection still rankle me from time to time.
6. The undeserved criticism continues to rankle in my mind.
7. Hearing the song on the radio still rankles me after all these years.
8. The injustice of the situation continues to rankle in my thoughts.
9. The old injury still rankles me, even though it has mostly healed.
10. The snide remark from the teacher has rankled the student ever since.
11. The hurtful comments from my ex still rankle me occasionally.
12. The slight still rankles me whenever I think of her smug attitude.
13. I realized I would never forget the betrayal and it would always rankle my heart.
14. The lost opportunity still rankles me when I let my thoughts wander too freely.
15. Those bitter memories will always rankle you if you let them.
16. His petty jealousy continues to rankle me after all these years.
17. The injustice of his punishment still rankles our community.
18. That careless comment from my boss still rankles me years later.
19. The fact that she gets away with it continues to rankle me.
20. The unfair ruling continues to rankle the citizens of our town.
21. I try to let things go but that unfair dismissal still rankles me.
22. Her smug tone continues to rankle me whenever I think of our argument.
23. The old dispute still rankles our friendship to this day.
24. His undeserved success continues to rankle me whenever I think of it.
25. That old slight still rankles me whenever we see each other.
26. The denial of a well-deserved promotion continues to rankle him.
27. Her arrogant disregard continues to rankle me whenever we meet.
28. The unfair solution continues to rankle the group members to this day.
29. That harsh punishment still rankles me years later.
30. The undeserved abuse still rankles me when I remember it.
31. His condescending attitude still rankles me after all these years.
32. The injustice of the blame still rankles me despite the passage of time.
33. The undeserved victory continues to rankle me whenever our teams meet.
34. That old slight still rankles him whenever he thinks of it.
35. The undeserved insult continues to rankle in my memory.
36. The undeserved punishment still rankles me more than I care to admit.
37. The feeling of injustice continues to rankle me even today.
38. Her callous disregard continues to rankle him despite their reconciliation.
39. That old loss still rankles me whenever I see the trophy.
40. The foul play still rankles the team years after the championship game.
41. Her smug attitude continues to rankle me whenever we meet.
42. The old slight continues to rankle her whenever that song is played.
43. The undeserved success continues to rankle at the back of my mind.
44. That misplaced punishment continues to rankle me years later.
45. The unfair advantage continues to rankle the other competitors.
46. The critics' scathing remarks continue to rankle the band members.
47. Her undeserved success continues to rankle me to this day.
48. That harsh dismissal still rankles me whenever I think of it.
49. The undeserved defeat continues to rankle seasoned warrior.
50. The unfair decision continues to rankle the losing contestants.
51. I realized the unfair treatment would always rankle my spirit.
52. The old insult continues to rankle him whenever they meet.
53. The harsh punishment continues to rankle the child years later.
54. The injustice of the situation continues to rankle his soul.
55. Her smug attitude continues to rankle me after all these years.
56. That unjust verdict still rankles the innocent man.
57. The unfair ruling continues to rankle the community to this day.
58. His condescending tone continues to rankle me years after our meeting.
59. Her undeserved good fortune continues to rankle me whenever I see her.
60. The undeserved slights still rankle me after all these years.

Common Phases

continues to rankle
still rankles
rankles me
old slight/insult/injury still rankles
rankle in my memory/mind
rankled him/her

rankles my spirit/soul
rankled at/in the back of my mind
rankles my heart
rankles whenever I think of it

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