Raptus example sentences

Related (5): Obsession, frenzy, seizure, passion, mania.

"Raptus" Example Sentences

1. The young girl was seized by a raptus of fear when the thunderstorm began.
2. The musician played the song with such raptus that the entire audience was moved to tears.
3. He fell into a raptus of rage when he discovered his car had been stolen.
4. The artist was in a raptus of inspiration as she painted her masterpiece.
5. The politician's speech was so passionate that it inspired a raptus of enthusiasm in the crowd.
6. The surgeon was able to save the patient's life despite a sudden raptus of complications.
7. The mother experienced a raptus of joy when she saw her newborn baby for the first time.
8. The teacher's raptus of wisdom inspired her students to learn and grow.
9. The writer was in a raptus of creativity, churning out pages of a novel each day.
10. The athlete was in a raptus of determination, pushing himself to his limits in the race.
11. The chef's raptus of culinary genius resulted in a delicious, award-winning dish.
12. The scientist's raptus of innovation led to groundbreaking discoveries in medicine.
13. The firefighter acted with a raptus of bravery, saving lives during a dangerous blaze.
14. The soldier was overwhelmed by a raptus of patriotism, fighting courageously for his country.
15. The entrepreneur's raptus of ambition drove her to start her own successful business.
16. The doctor was able to diagnose the patient's condition despite a sudden raptus of confusion.
17. The detective solved the case thanks to a raptus of intuition.
18. The student was in a raptus of determination, studying for hours to ace the final exam.
19. The climber experienced a raptus of awe as he reached the summit of the mountain.
20. The researcher was in a raptus of curiosity, exploring new possibilities and ideas.
21. The musician's raptus of creativity led to the composition of a beautiful new symphony.
22. The artist's raptus of emotion was conveyed in the powerful brushstrokes of her painting.
23. The author was in a raptus of concentration, writing feverishly until the book was complete.
24. The investor acted with a raptus of confidence, making bold decisions to grow his portfolio.
25. The athlete experienced a raptus of excitement as she crossed the finish line in first place.
26. The teacher's raptus of humor made learning enjoyable for her students.
27. The architect was in a raptus of inspiration, designing a stunning new building.
28. The singer's raptus of passion was evident in her powerful performance.
29. The coach's raptus of leadership motivated his team to win the championship.
30. The scientist's raptus of innovation led to groundbreaking discoveries in environmental conservation.

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