Rarefyhe example sentences

"Rarefyhe" Example Sentences

1. The process of rarefying the air involves reducing its density.
2. As we climb higher into the mountains, the air begins to rarefy.
3. The scientists worked to rarefy the composition of the sample for analysis.
4. The vacuum chamber was used to rarefy the gas inside.
5. Heat can rarefy the liquids in the mixture, making them more volatile.
6. The goal of the experiment was to create a rarefied atmosphere in the sealed container.
7. Rarefication of the solution was necessary for accurate measurement.
8. The rarefied air made it difficult for the engines to operate at high altitude.
9. The exhibition featured a rarefied collection of ancient artifacts.
10. The physicist studied the rarefied gas to better understand its behavior.
11. The artist aimed to capture the rarefied beauty of the natural world in her work.
12. The rarefied air in the upper atmosphere affects communication signals.
13. The critic praised the author's ability to convey a rarefied sense of intellectualism in their writing.
14. The rarefied world of haute cuisine can feel inaccessible to outsiders.
15. The astronaut experienced a feeling of weightlessness in the rarefied atmosphere of space.
16. The rarefied air at the peak of the mountain made it difficult to breathe.
17. The philosopher's ideas were often couched in rarefied language that was hard for laypeople to understand.
18. The museum's collection included a rarefied array of artifacts from around the world.
19. The rarefied cultural atmosphere of the city attracted artists and intellectuals from across the globe.
20. The scientists discovered a rarefied form of matter that had never been seen before.
21. The rarefied concept of simultaneous time travel was explored in the science fiction novel.
22. The museum's rarefied collection of ancient Greek artifacts was breathtaking to behold.
23. The composer aimed to create a rarefied atmosphere of musical beauty in her latest symphony.
24. The hiker struggled to adjust to the rarefied altitude as he ascended higher into the mountains.
25. The philosopher's ideas were often obscured by his use of rarefied terminology.
26. The astronaut felt weightless in the rarefied atmosphere of the International Space Station.
27. The rarefied nature of the elite social circle excluded those without significant wealth or power.
28. The artist's abstract paintings evoked a rarefied sense of emotion that was hard to describe.
29. The rarefied environment of the laboratory created ideal conditions for the experiment.
30. The rarefied atmosphere of the high-altitude research facility posed challenges for the scientists working there.
31. The museum curator worked to create a rarefied ambience that showcased the artwork to its best advantage.
32. The CEO moved in rarefied circles that were closed off to most people.
33. The rarefied air in the sealed chamber affected the growth of the plants inside.
34. The novelist's rarefied language and complex narratives earned him critical acclaim.
35. The rarefied atmosphere of the upscale restaurant made some diners uncomfortable.
36. The physicist's experiments required a rarefied environment with precise temperature and pressure controls.
37. The rarefied atmosphere of the private school created a sense of exclusivity among the students.
38. The artist's work reflected a rarefied sensibility that was ahead of its time.
39. The scientist studied the rarefied conditions of the upper atmosphere to better understand climate change.
40. The author's rarefied insights into the workings of the human mind made her a popular speaker at conferences.

Common Phases

1. Rarefyhe the soil before planting the seeds;
2. It is important to rarefyhe the water samples to accurately measure the microbial diversity;
3. The data analysis requires us to rarefyhe the data to ensure consistency;
4. In order to compare the diversity of different habitats, we need to rarefyhe the samples;
5. Rarefyhe the DNA sequences to obtain a clearer picture of the genetic diversity.

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