Rationalistically example sentences

Related (5): reasoning, logically, empirically, scientifically, critically.

"Rationalistically" Example Sentences

1. She approached the problem rationalistically, weighing all options methodically.
2. Rationalistically speaking, the decision was the right one, but emotionally it felt wrong.
3. His approach is rationalistically sound, but lacks a human touch.
4. The scientists approached the experiment rationalistically, relying solely on empirical evidence.
5. Rationalistically analyzing the situation, it was clear that there were no other viable options.
6. His decision-making process is always approached rationalistically and logically.
7. They approached the project rationalistically, considering all possible outcomes and scenarios.
8. Rationalistically speaking, the investment could yield high returns in the long run.
9. The philosopher approached the problem rationalistically, relying on reason alone.
10. Rationalistically analyzing the data, the results proved inconclusive.
11. Her argument was presented rationalistically, with a clear and concise delivery.
12. He approached the challenge rationalistically, breaking it down into manageable steps.
13. Rationalistically, it made sense to follow through with the plan, despite the risks involved.
14. The mathematician approached the problem rationalistically, using strict logic and formulas.
15. She approached the situation rationalistically, setting aside her emotions and personal biases.
16. Rationalistically speaking, the odds of winning are slim, but it's still worth a shot.
17. The team approached the project rationalistically, utilizing efficient and effective strategies.
18. He analyzed the situation rationalistically, relying on data and facts rather than intuition.
19. Rationalistically speaking, this decision will benefit the company in the long run.
20. The principles of the theory were formed rationalistically, without the need for empirical evidence.
21. She approached the dilemma rationalistically, attempting to see the situation from all angles.
22. Rationalistically analyzing the market trends, it was clear that a shift was occurring.
23. His decision-making process is always approached rationalistically, considering all possible outcomes.
24. Rationalistically, it seemed improbable that the solution would work, but it did.
25. The team approached the problem rationalistically, brainstorming possible solutions and outcomes.
26. Rationalistically, the investment seemed like a sound choice based on the available data.
27. She approached the problem rationalistically, refusing to jump to conclusions without evidence.
28. Rationalistically analyzing the options, it was determined that the most cost-effective solution was preferred.
29. His approach to the situation was rationalistically sound, but lacked empathy towards those involved.
30. Rationalistically speaking, there are no guarantees in life, but taking risks can lead to great reward.

Common Phases

1. She approached the problem rationally; she analyzed all the available data and made an informed decision.
2. He approached the philosophical question rationally; he considered all possible arguments and reached a logical conclusion.
3. The company approached the decision rationally; they evaluated the pros and cons and made the best choice for their business.
4. She approached the medical diagnosis rationally; she reviewed all the symptoms and test results to come up with a diagnosis.
5. He approached the financial investment rationally; he researched the market and assessed the risks before making a decision.
6. The team approached the project planning rationally; they gathered all the necessary information and created a well-thought-out strategy.
7. She approached the personal dilemma rationally; she examined her feelings and thoughts to arrive at a rational solution.
8. He approached the legal case rationally; he reviewed all the evidence and arguments to build a strong case.
9. The committee approached the policy decision rationally; they considered all the implications and effects of their decision.
10. She approached the moral dilemma rationally; she evaluated the situation from all angles to make an ethical decision.

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