Ravined example sentences

Related (10): gorge, canyon, chasm, fissured, precipitous, rugged, steep, escarpment, cliffs, gully.

"Ravined" Example Sentences

1. The wolf ravined through the forest, searching for prey.
2. The river ravined through the canyon, carving its way through the rock.
3. The storm ravined through the town, leaving destruction in its wake.
4. The wildfire ravined through the dry brush, consuming everything in its path.
5. The hungry bear ravined through the campground, tearing apart coolers and tents.
6. The tornado ravined through the city, leaving a trail of debris and destruction.
7. The landslide ravined through the mountainside, burying everything in its path.
8. The swarm of locusts ravined through the fields, devouring crops and vegetation.
9. The disease ravined through the population, causing widespread illness and death.
10. The earthquake ravined through the region, causing buildings to crumble and roads to crack.
11. The flood ravined through the valley, washing away homes and businesses.
12. The army ravined through the enemy lines, leaving a trail of destruction behind them.
13. The thief ravined through the jewelry store, stealing diamonds and gold.
14. The termite infestation ravined through the wooden beams of the house, causing structural damage.
15. The hurricane ravined through the coastal communities, flooding homes and uprooting trees.
16. The plague ravined through the city, causing panic and chaos.
17. The volcano ravined through the town, spewing lava and ash everywhere.
18. The hailstorm ravined through the countryside, damaging crops and smashing car windows.
19. The typhoon ravined through the island, leaving thousands without power or shelter.
20. The war ravined through the country, tearing families apart and leaving scars on the landscape.
21. The tornadoes ravined through the Midwest, flattening entire towns.
22. The cancer ravined through her body, leaving her weak and exhausted.
23. The army of ants ravined through the picnic table, swarming over the food and ruining the meal.
24. The blizzard ravined through the mountains, trapping hikers and skiers in whiteout conditions.
25. The wildfire ravined through the suburbs, forcing residents to evacuate their homes.
26. The drought ravined through the farmland, causing crops to wither and die.
27. The locusts ravined through the crops, leaving farmers with nothing to harvest.
28. The tornado ravined through the trailer park, tossing cars and trailers like toys.
29. The avalanche ravined through the ski resort, trapping skiers and snowboarders under tons of snow.
30. The swarm of bees ravined through the park, sending visitors fleeing in all directions.

Common Phases

1. The hikers followed the ravined trail; they were eager to reach the top of the mountain.
2. The road was ravined from the heavy rains; it was difficult to navigate.
3. The small town was ravined by a river; the residents had to evacuate.
4. The landscape was ravined with deep gorges and canyons; it was a sight to behold.
5. The car swerved to avoid driving off the ravined road; the driver was relieved to safely reach their destination.
6. The old bridge was ravined and in need of repair; it was closed for public safety.
7. The forest was ravined with narrow creeks and streams; it was a popular spot for camping and hiking.

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