Reaping example sentences

Related (5): harvesting, gathering, collecting, picking, garnering

"Reaping" Example Sentences

1. The farmer went out to the fields early in the morning to start reaping the wheat harvest.
2. After months of hard work, the farmer was happy to see the fruits of his labor by reaping a bountiful crop that year.
3. The harvest season was always a busy time of year, with farmers toiling from dawn to dusk just to keep up with reaping and threshing all the ripe grain.
4. According to the old proverb, you reap what you sow.
5. Their investment finally paid off after years of patience, and they were now reaping huge profits.
6. The children did their chores diligently every day, knowing they were reaping valuable life lessons through hard work and responsibility.
7. Life is about sowing seeds, reaping rewards, learning from mistakes, and trying again.
8. The persistent businessman was finally reaping the rewards of years of hard work and dedication to his company.
9. Having spent so much time and effort practicing the piano, she was now reaping the joy of being able to play beautifully.
10. The weeks of intensive studying and late nights finally paid off when he walked out of the exam hall, confident he would be reaping a good grade.
11. They stood in the wheat fields, reaping the harvest that would feed their people through the long winter.
12. He spent over a decade building up his social media presence, and was now reaping the rewards through lucrative brand deals and sponsorships.
13. After sowing the seeds of kindness through her actions, she was now reaping the joy of having many wonderful friends in her life.
14. The soldier returned home from the war to reap the harvest of peace.
15. Patience will always be rewarded; in time, you will reap the benefits of delayed gratification.
16. The crop was bountiful that year, and they spent long days reaping an abundant harvest.
17. After years of hard work, she was finally reaping the rewards by living the life of her dreams.
18. They were finally reaping the financial benefits of years spent meticulously saving and investing their money wisely.
19. His plan for world domination may have seemed brilliant in the beginning, but in the end, all he reaped was failure and madness.
20. The entrepreneur knew that the blood, sweat, and tears he put into starting his business would eventually result in him reaping great financial success.
21. Life is more like planting seeds than reaping harvests, yet many do not stop to consider this crucial difference.
22. Only the bitterest of hearts could deny the peacemaker the joy of reaping the fruits of reconciliation.
23. Look to the horizon, friend, for while springtime is for sowing seeds, summertime is surely for reaping rewards.
24. The science students spent months diligently conducting experiments and collecting data, and were now reaping the satisfaction of seeing patterns emerge from their hard work.
25. Their goal was to reap the benefits of a higher education, but they also knew they would have to sow the seeds of hard work and discipline first.
26. Anyone who sows discord will in time reap trouble.
27. He knew in due time he would reap what he had sown - either weeds of regret or fruits of wisdom.
28. Reap in joy what you have sown in tears.
29. The diligent student, reaping the fruits of study.
30. As spring turns to summer, man goes forth reaping the harvest he had sown in tears.
31. You will reap prosperity if you sow the seeds of generosity.
32. After sowing lies, he could only reap mistrust.
33. The gardener spent months nurturing the plants; finally able to reap the fruits of his labor.
34. If you sow kindness, you will reap love.
35. They spent decades patiently sowing the seeds of good in their community, and towards the end of their lives began reaping the harvest in the form of reciprocated kindness and goodwill from neighbors and family.
36. The sun never fails to rise and set, the moon waxes and wanes, and farmers continue reaping and sowing - these are the eternal rhythms of nature.
37. She sowed the seeds of compassion and was rewarded by reaping the harvest of joy that comes from bringing happiness to others.
38. Soldiers returned from the fields of battle, weary and broken, but comforted by the promise of peace they would soon reap.
39. At the end of a long journey, one reaps the wisdom of the road.
40. All those years spent studying paid off tenfold when they finally started reaping the rewards of a successful career.
41. He tried being cruel but all he reaped was sadness and resentment.
42. The doctor spent years studying, and was finally able to reap the rewards of aiding, healing, and saving lives.
43. For years he sowed the seeds of hatred and division, but in the end all he reaped was sorrow and isolation.
44. Eventually the industrious student reaped the rewards of good grades and a bright future.
45. They reaped the benefits of good health after years of mindfulness, balanced diets, and exercise.
46. She spent her youth sowing seeds of love and compassion, and in old age began reaping the harvest in the form of care and support from others.
47. The gardener looked out over the fields of bright flowers, reaping not just beauty but also the joy that comes from nurturing living things.
48. Their crop yielded a bountiful harvest, allowing them to reap the rewards of their hard labor.
49. After years of careful planning and wise investments, they had finally reached a place where they could start truly reaping the rewards of their financial prudence.
50. The scientist spent decades conducting meticulous experiments, and finally began reaping tremendous rewards in the form of groundbreaking discoveries.
51. Good deeds always produce good karma: If you sow happiness, you will reap joy.
52. He spent his youth sowing wild oats but in middle age had to reap a life barren of meaning and fulfillment.
53. When spring comes, the farmer goes forth into his fields joyfully to reap the crops he had sown in tears.
54. After years of effort and toil, the entrepreneur finally began reaping the rewards of her hard work in the form of a successful and growing business.
55. Be mindful of what you sow, for someday you will reap a harvest according to your works.
56. The gymnast spent years practicing difficult routines and perfecting her technique, and eventually began reaping the rewards through medals, fame and sponsorship deals.
57. Sometimes reaping the rewards involved patience and perseverance, but it was always worth it in the end.
58. After a lifetime of sowing seeds of wisdom, compassion and generosity, he began reaping a bountiful harvest of inner peace and contentment during his final years.
59. The farmer spends his days sowing and reaping, content with the simple but everlasting rhythms of nature.
60. To reap the fruits of wisdom and insight, you must first sow the seeds of curious contemplation.

Common Phases

You reap what you sow.
Reap the rewards.
Reap the benefits.
Sow the seeds.
Reap a harvest.
Sow and reap.
Reap a crop.
You will reap what you sow.
Sowing and reaping.
The reaping of rewards.
Reaping the consequences.
Reap the whirlwind.
Reaping the benefits.
A time for sowing and a time for reaping.
One reaps what one sows.

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