"Recommence" Example Sentences
1. Let's recommence the meeting where we left off.
2. I need to recommence my workout routine if I want to stay in shape.
3. The game will recommence after a short break.
4. We will recommence production once the machinery is repaired.
5. It's time to recommence our efforts to find a solution.
6. The school year will recommence in September.
7. We must recommence negotiations if we want to reach an agreement.
8. The team will recommence their training tomorrow.
9. Let's recommence our search for the missing documents.
10. The concert will recommence after intermission.
11. We will recommence construction once the weather improves.
12. I have decided to recommence my studies next semester.
13. Let's give the engine a few minutes to cool down before we recommence the journey.
14. The company plans to recommence operations in the coming weeks.
15. We should recommence the task once we have gathered all the necessary information.
16. The court case will recommence in two weeks' time.
17. The spacecraft will recommence its journey to Mars later this year.
18. Let's recommence the project once we have secured additional funding.
19. The ceremony will recommence after a moment of silence.
20. We should recommence our efforts to improve customer service.
21. The race will recommence once the track is clear of debris.
22. As soon as the power comes back on, we can recommence work.
23. It's important to recommence any paused medications as soon as possible.
24. We need to recommence testing on the new product to ensure its safety.
25. The search and rescue mission will recommence at first light.
26. The strike will recommence unless a resolution is reached soon.
27. Let's recommence the discussion when everyone has had a chance to speak.
28. Our team will recommence our competitive season next month.
29. We should recommence the project once we have addressed all the issues.
30. The investigation will recommence after the holiday break.
Common Phases
1. Let's
recommence our meeting; we still have a lot to cover.
2. After a short break, we can
recommence our work.
3. It's time to
recommence our language studies; we haven't practiced in a while.
4. Once the technical difficulties are resolved, we can
recommence the webinar.
5. The team has agreed to
recommence negotiations after reviewing the latest offer.