Reconnoitering example sentences

Related (9): surveying, scouting, exploring, investigating, observing, examining, scrutinizing, mapping, probing.

"Reconnoitering" Example Sentences

1. The commander ordered the soldiers to begin reconnoitering the area.
2. Reconnoitering the enemy's position was crucial for planning the attack.
3. They sent a scout out to begin reconnoitering the neighboring villages.
4. The spy had been reconnoitering the enemy base for weeks.
5. The general planned to send a team out for reconnoitering the enemy camp.
6. The group split up to begin reconnoitering the surrounding countryside.
7. The pilot flew over the target area, reconnoitering for any signs of the enemy.
8. Before launching the operation, the team spent several days reconnoitering the area.
9. The army began reconnoitering the borders in preparation for a potential invasion.
10. The special forces were responsible for reconnoitering the enemy's defenses.
11. The reconnaissance team had no trouble reconnoitering the enemy's stronghold.
12. The scouts spent hours reconnoitering the forest for any signs of hostile forces.
13. The reconnaissance plane was shot down while reconnoitering the enemy's position.
14. They sent a team of engineers to begin reconnoitering the proposed construction site.
15. The spy spent hours reconnoitering the enemy's movements before reporting back to his superiors.
16. The team was successful in reconnoitering the enemy's base without being detected.
17. The commanding officer led the charge in reconnoitering the enemy lines.
18. The soldier was injured while reconnoitering a booby-trapped area.
19. The force had to retreat after failing to reconnoiter the enemy's new position.
20. The reconnaissance drone was able to gather valuable intel while reconnoitering enemy territory.
21. The team had to improvise when reconnoitering the rugged terrain of the mountains.
22. The scout was tasked with reconnoitering the enemy's supply lines.
23. The troop spent the night reconnoitering the surrounding area before moving out at dawn.
24. The spy was caught reconnoitering a nuclear facility and sentenced to life in prison.
25. The reconnaissance mission was a success, with the team gaining valuable intel on the enemy's whereabouts.
26. The troops began reconnoitering the area on foot after their vehicles broke down.
27. The special forces unit was highly trained in reconnoitering enemy installations.
28. The reconnaissance satellite was able to capture high-resolution images while orbiting the Earth.
29. The team was forced to abort their reconnoitering mission after encountering unexpected resistance.
30. The reconnaissance aircraft flew at high altitudes while reconnoitering the enemy's positions.

Common Phases

1. We started reconnoitering the area; scanning the terrain for potential dangers.
2. He went ahead to reconnoiter the enemy's position; gathering crucial intelligence that could save their unit.
3. The scout was sent to reconnoiter the nearby hills; looking for any signs of movement or activity.
4. The search party began reconnoitering the dense forest; hoping to find any trace of the missing hiker.
5. The detective went undercover to reconnoiter the criminal organization; trying to gather evidence to take them down.

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