Recosign example sentences

Related (5): signature, endorsement, approval, authorization, validation

"Recosign" Example Sentences

1. I am going to recosign that document for you.
2. You need to recosign the contract before it becomes official.
3. I can't recosign the paper until you fill it out completely.
4. The lawyer will recosign the agreement to make sure it's valid.
5. She asked me to recosign the form since she forgot to sign it.
6. The bank requires both parties to recosign the loan agreement.
7. Can you please recosign this authorization form for me?
8. The supervisor needs to verify and recosign the report before submitting it.
9. Without your signature, we will need you to recosign the contract.
10. Please recosign this paper as proof of your agreement.
11. In order for the contract to be binding, you will need to recosign it.
12. I can't send this form in without someone to recosign it.
13. He promised to recosign the document once he reviewed it.
14. We need the witness to recosign the document to make it official.
15. The judge ordered the defendant to recosign the bond.
16. Could you recosign this form for me since my hand is injured?
17. The company requires all employees to recosign the code of conduct every year.
18. I had to recosign the paper since I made a mistake on it.
19. The landlord refused to recosign the lease unless we paid a higher deposit.
20. We had to recosign the sales contract after the buyer requested a change.
21. The bank insisted that we recosign the mortgage agreement before approving the loan.
22. She doesn't want to recosign the document until she reads it thoroughly.
23. The school principal must recosign all permission forms regarding student activities.
24. Without his signature, we will need him to recosign the legal document.
25. We are requesting that you recosign the credit application before processing it.
26. The procurement officer has to recosign the purchase order before it's executed.
27. You'll need to recosign the agreement if you want to proceed with the transaction.
28. The insurance adjuster requested that the policyholder recosign the claim form.
29. I had to recosign the check since my signature had been smudged.
30. Without the co-signer's signature, we had to ask him to recosign the loan application.

Common Phases

1. Please sign the document using Recosign;
2. Have you tried using Recosign to sign the contract?;
3. The company requested me to use Recosign for the approval process;
4. Recosign is a reliable platform for electronic signatures;
5. Our team prefers Recosign over other e-signature software;
6. The recipient received the document signed with Recosign;
7. You can easily sign and share documents with Recosign;
8. The Recosign interface is user-friendly and straightforward;
9. I highly recommend using Recosign for your document signing needs;
10. Recosign has significantly reduced our paper usage and increased efficiency.

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