Rectos example sentences

Related (8): rectal, rectify, rectitude, rectilinear, rectorate, rectocele, rectory, rectangle

"Rectos" Example Sentences

1. The rectos of the book were aligned perfectly.
2. The rectos of his notebook were filled with detailed, neat notes.
3. She always made sure to write on the rectos of the paper, leaving the versos blank.
4. The printer jammed when it tried to print on the rectos of the sheet.
5. The first four rectos of the document were missing, causing confusion for the readers.
6. The artist had carefully drawn on both the rectos and versos of the canvas, creating a stunning piece.
7. The editor instructed the writer to number every recto in their manuscript.
8. The teacher flipped through the rectos of the exam, making sure that none were left unanswered.
9. The medieval codex had beautiful illustrations on the rectos, depicting scenes from the Bible.
10. Halfway through the book, the rectos were printed upside down, causing the reader to have to turn the book around.
11. The publisher rejected the manuscript, citing issues with the formatting of the rectos and versos.
12. The printer had mistakenly printed the same text twice on one of the rectos, leaving no room for the intended content.
13. The author had included a note on one of the rectos, explaining the inspiration behind the story.
14. The library noticed that someone had written in pen on the rectos of the rare book, causing damage to the valuable item.
15. The blank rectos of the paper seemed daunting to the writer, who struggled to begin their work.
16. The book had been bound in such a way that the rectos were wider than the versos, making it difficult to hold.
17. The typist had to carefully align each recto and verso of the manuscript, dating back to the typewriter era.
18. The rectos of the manuscript were poorly edited, leading to confusion for the readers.
19. The author decided to add a dedication on the first recto of the book.
20. The medieval art collection had a display of beautifully illuminated rectos from religious texts.
21. The recto of the legal document had the important signatures of all parties involved.
22. The title page of the book was located on the first recto, introducing the author and title.
23. The printing press had to be adjusted to ensure that the ink properly covered the rectos of the paper.
24. The editor caught a typo on one of the rectos before the book went to print.
25. One of the rectos of the manuscript had a coffee stain, indicating the author's caffeine-fueled writing process.
26. The printer was instructed to use a heavier weight paper for the rectos, as they would be more visible through the spine of the book.
27. The old diary had both rectos and versos filled with the secrets and musings of the writer.
28. The author chose to use a larger font on the rectos of the document to make it easier to read.
29. The rectos of the map were covered in intricate lines and details, depicting the city's streets and landmarks.
30. The printer had to replace the toner several times to ensure that the rectos came out with a crisp, clean copy.

Common Phases

1. Rectos are often used in medical procedures; it helps doctors examine the large intestine.
2. Some people may find rectos uncomfortable or unpleasant; however, it is an important tool for detecting diseases.
3. A laxative may be used to clear the bowel before a rectos procedure; this ensures a clearer view of the colon.
4. Rectos exams may be recommended for individuals over 50 years old; it is a preventative measure for colon cancer.
5. A rectos can be performed in a doctor's office; it is a quick and relatively painless procedure.

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