Recuperated example sentences

Related (10): recovered, regained, retrieved, reclaimed, restored, healed, revived, rejuvenated, salvaged, redeemed

"Recuperated" Example Sentences

1. After undergoing surgery, it took several weeks for Lisa to recuperate fully.
2. The injured athlete is currently undergoing physical therapy to help him recuperate.
3. Despite the accident, the driver luckily managed to recuperate and make a full recovery.
4. Mary had a cold but she recuperated quickly with some rest and medications.
5. It’s important to give your body the time it needs to recuperate from a tough workout.
6. The company may take some time to recuperate from losses incurred during the pandemic.
7. The patient was advised to take some time off to recuperate after undergoing a major operation.
8. The team’s morale was low however they eventually recuperated and managed to win the championship.
9. After weeks of stress, all I needed was a peaceful vacation to recuperate and recharge.
10. Following a car accident, it may take a person several months to fully recuperate from the injuries sustained.
11. The players needed time to recuperate following the grueling five-set match.
12. After a long period of sickness, she was pleased to have recuperated and regain her strength.
13. The company had a terrible fiscal year however its profits gradually recuperated throughout the next quarter.
14. The hiker was exhausted and had to take a break to recuperate before continuing on the trail.
15. The spa offered a variety of treatments and activities to help clients recuperate and rejuvenate.
16. The soldiers had to find a quiet spot to rest and recuperate before continuing with their mission.
17. The business had to borrow funds to recuperate after facing major losses during the recession.
18. A good night’s sleep can help you recuperate and feel refreshed in the morning.
19. The company was able to recuperate from a recent PR crisis by implementing a new marketing strategy.
20. The patient experienced a long and painful recovery after undergoing surgery, however, gradually recuperated over time.
21. After running a marathon, it’s important to give your body sufficient time to recuperate and recover.
22. The company had to lay off employees to recuperate from the financial crisis.
23. Despite the betrayal, she eventually recuperated from the heartbreak and moved on with her life.
24. The patient was able to recuperate without any major complications following the surgery.
25. The artist took a few months off to recuperate and find inspiration for her next body of work.
26. The company’s stock prices fell drastically however they were able to recuperate over the next few months.
27. It may take several weeks for the athlete to recuperate and return to training after a serious injury.
28. The wounded soldier was airlifted to a medical facility for treatment and time to recuperate.
29. After experiencing burnout, it took several months for the employee to recuperate and return to work.
30. The company was able to successfully recuperate its lost data after a major system crash.

Common Phases

1. The athlete was recuperated after a long period of rest; he was ready to return to the competition.
2. The company recuperated its losses by implementing a new marketing strategy; the profits started to increase steadily.
3. After being hospitalized for a week, the patient recuperated quickly; she was able to walk on her own within a few days.
4. The city was hit by a natural disaster, but it recuperated faster than expected; the community came together to rebuild and support each other.
5. The actor was able to successfully recuperate from his injury; he was able to resume filming without delay.
6. The economy was in a recession, but it gradually recuperated; policies and measures were put in place to revive consumer confidence and stabilize the financial markets.
7. The team was trailing behind, but they recuperated and won the game; their perseverance and teamwork paid off in the end.
8. The patient underwent a complex surgery, but he was recuperating well; his physical therapy was helping him regain his strength and mobility.
9. After a stressful period of work, the employee took a few days off to fully recuperate; he felt refreshed and ready to tackle his tasks with renewed energy.
10. The organization faced a major setback, however, it quickly recuperated from the crisis; it emerged stronger and more resilient than before.

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