Recursus example sentences

Related (9): recourse, appeal, option, resource, alternative, remedy, solution, fallback, expedient

"Recursus" Example Sentences

1. The country faced yet another recursus of violence and bloodshed.
2. The problems continued to recursus after each supposed solution.
3. The medical condition had a tendency to recursus over time.
4. The textbook covered the principal of recursus ad infinitum.
5. The argument kept recursus despite their best efforts to resolve it.
6. The stock market crash led to an inevitable recursus of economic recession.
7. The drought and famine returned with each recursus of the dry season.
8. The building had to be evacuated due to a recursus of fire alarms.
9. The soldier faced yet another recursus of nightmares and flashbacks.
10. The machine experienced a recursus of mechanical failures.
11. The criminal activity saw a recursus after the police reduced patrols.
12. The headaches tended to recursus every few months.
13. There was a recursus of thunderstorms and power outages that weekend.
14. The computer virus caused a recursus of system crashes.
15. There was an unfortunate recursus of violence following the peace agreement.
16. The rainstorm led to a recursus of flooding and road closures.
17. The watchdog barked at every recursus of unfamiliar noises outside.
18. The family saw a recursus of cardiovascular disease in multiple generations.
19. The conversation kept devolving into the same recursus of disagreements.
20. There was a recursus of failures despite increasing funding for the project.
21. The economic turmoil caused a recursus of business closures and layoffs.
22. The epidemics saw regular recursus every spring.
23. They faced yet another recursus of debt and financial difficulties.
24. The bureaucracy faced a recursus of budget cuts and funding shortages.
25. There was an alarming recursus of mold following the flood.
26. The disease experienced frequent recursus of symptoms between treatments.
27. The research encountered yet another recursus of funding difficulties.
28. The protests faced a swift but violent recursus from government forces.
29. There have been numerous recursus of this problem throughout history.
30. The team faced yet another recursus of disappointing losses that season.
31. History showed a recursus of similar patterns across different eras.
32. The student faced a recursus of difficulties with the concepts in math class.
33. The community experienced a recursus of racial tensions after the shooting.
34. There was a recursus of misinformation spread on social media.
35. His thoughts kept returning in a recursus to that traumatic event.
36. The business turned a corner only to face another recursus of stagnation.
37. The recursus ad infinitum argument caused a logical paradox.
38. The recursus of coffee breaks disrupted workflow.
39. There was a recursus of break-ins after the neighborhood watch disbanded.
40. The lawsuit led to yet another recursus of legal battles and appeals.
41. The recursus of symptoms signaled a worsening of the condition.
42. The recursus of coughing caused concern among his family.
43. The recursus of storms led to destructive flooding.
44. The recursus of interruptions made it hard to focus.
45. The recursus of the disease threatened his life.
46. The recursus ad infinitum argument lacked a conclusion.
47. The recursus of nightmares disrupted his sleep for years.
48. The recursus threatened to derail all their progress.
49. The recursus of partisan gridlock paralyzed government.
50. There was an alarming recursus ad infinitum of costs for the project.

Common Phases

1. Omnis technica est recursus ad principia.
Every technique is a recurrence of principles.
2. Iter recursus est ad principia sapientiae.
Return is a recurrence to the beginnings of wisdom.
3. In recursu ad origines invenitur veritas.
In turning back to the origins the truth is found.
4. Nec mors nec vita timenda est sed recursus ad principia.
Neither death nor life is to be feared, but recurrence to principles.
5. Cyclum vitae memorare ad recursus motus invitat.
Remembering the cycle of life invites a return to the motion.
6. Sapientia incipit recursu ad prima principia.
Wisdom begins with a recurrence to first principles.
7. Nulla technica est perfecta nisi per recursus ad origines.
No technique is perfect unless through a recurrence to its origins.
8. Retro respice si ad summum vis attingere fastigium.
Look back if you wish to attain the highest peak.
9. Retrosta ad recursus in via vitae.
Step back for a recurrence in the path of life.
10. Recurre ad principia et iterum incipere.
Return to first things and begin again.

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